Samurize Scripts


How do you make the values work for Mother Board monitor so things like CPU temps can be displayed?

THanks :)
Tidied the whole thing up and added a few thing, still looking good :)


the emails and top bits do work, just that i only reloaded config, and they update every hour :)

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Nah I mean it just says MBM Not Active by the temp how do I make it know its installed and where?

New screenie cause I've revamped the network info so show data up/down speeds with progress bars to match the rest.

Config file if anyone wants it is here.


Edit: Pic updated because I think monkeytronixs theme goes so well with it - thanks mate! :D (Maybe one day I'll change my icons!)

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Hi Andy,

Decided to give your config a go,

Where do you get your weather.png icons ie PartlyCloudy.png etc?

where are people getting all these pretty clock / hdd / ram icons etc, and in such high res too, as the icons that are obviously XP icons are only like 50x50
Andy C - Nice theme and Samurize setup m8 :)

But your weather is wrong :(
Has anyone actually managed to get the forecast to work correctly ??


I'm confused as to which .vbs file I should be linking to on each Active Script, is it the WeatherPlus.vbs or the RefreshWeatherPlus.vbs ??

Also, how do you link the ExtendedWeather.vbs to the other settings - i.e. how does it know which town & country you're in ?
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The 2 temperatures that are shown are the High/Low forecast ie so you can expect the temperature to be somewhere in between.

To change this you need to edit the WeatherPlus.vbs

Private Function getFCTemp (aNodeId)
  Dim tSign
  If (USE_CELSIUS= True) Then
    tSign= "°C"
    tSign= "°F"
  End If

  getFCTemp= fNodes.item(aNodeId).childNodes.item(1).text & "/" & fNodes.item(aNodeId).childNodes.item(2).text & tSign
End Function

Change this to

Dim tSign
  If (USE_CELSIUS= True) Then
    tSign= "°C"
    tSign= "°F"
  End If

  getFCTemp= fNodes.item(aNodeId).childNodes.item(1).text & tsign
nd Function

This will only display the High forecast, change childNodes.item to (2) and it will show the low forecast.

You should be linking to the WeatherPlus.vbs with your active scripts.

With the ExtendedWeather.vbs, open it up and you can change your location within the vbs file.

City    = "cambridge, uk" ' Set this to your city, dont forget the format "city, country".
Celcius = true ' If you want the degrees in celcius or farenheit.
MPH     = true ' If you want the wind speed in miles or kilometer per hour.
can anyone write me a script to pull now and next from here

ive tried adapting the ones ive got but stand no chance

any help greatly appreciated :)
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