It was in Icons\WeatherPlus. If you don't have it there I've put a copy here.Originally posted by Rich_L
Where do you get your weather.png icons ie PartlyCloudy.png etc?
Private Function getFCTemp (aNodeId)
Dim tSign
If (USE_CELSIUS= True) Then
tSign= "°C"
tSign= "°F"
End If
getFCTemp= fNodes.item(aNodeId).childNodes.item(1).text & "/" & fNodes.item(aNodeId).childNodes.item(2).text & tSign
End Function
Dim tSign
If (USE_CELSIUS= True) Then
tSign= "°C"
tSign= "°F"
End If
getFCTemp= fNodes.item(aNodeId).childNodes.item(1).text & tsign
nd Function
City = "cambridge, uk" ' Set this to your city, dont forget the format "city, country".
Celcius = true ' If you want the degrees in celcius or farenheit.
MPH = true ' If you want the wind speed in miles or kilometer per hour.