** SANDISK EXTREME 120GB ONLY £84.99inc - 240GB ONLY £164.99inc!!!

Is this just a 1 day offer? So tempting but don't think I'd be able to order it at the moment.

Looking at updating my rig and the build changes daily with all these special offers going around! :)

This offer stands until stock lands and may even a few days after just to keep everyone smiling :)
It would be rude to NOT get the 240GB. This is exactly the sort of thing SSD's need. Aggressive pricing to get the tech moving.

Fantastic deal guys.
My head said don't buy the M4 128Gb even though my heart said I should. :)
Can't resist now though. Bloody Overclockers have prised my wallet open and that's no mean feat coming from Yorkshire. Looks like it could be a beauty and for as good a price as matters if it in't free. ;) (that means it's good even though it isn't free)

Buy button clicked................... now!
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Whats the RMA process like? Crucials is top notch but iv never had experience with sandisk.

Not that i expect them to break :p But the peace of mind is nice.
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Well... Here you go :P

Crystal Disk (Sandisk)

Crystal Disk (Vertex 3)

ASSSD Read/Write (Sandisk)

ASSSD Read/Write (Vertex 3)

ASSSD IOPS (Sandisk)

ASSSD IOPS (Vertex 3)

ATTO (Sandisk)

ATTO (Vertex 3)
Well, I have ordered the 240 GB drive. That should do for my gaming drive...hmm...guess I will need a new thingy for my Raven RV02-E to mount it...
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