Phate I live in Southampton, looks further to me. I think they are talking about how dirty it is, as that one doesnt have any power as its knackered.
Phate said:
for those of you who are also interested
that pic from the last one?
EDIT: for those of you who think you have far to travel...... .....think again
Booked your room yet.
Sirrel Squirrel said:Phate I'd cut your phone no. and address off that screenshot
thebrasso said:I agree with that one...
Phate said:fear my expert paintchoppin skills bah jst gotta program the damn thing into the tom tom now lol
L0rdMike said:I thought about staying over but I have work Sat and finish at 7 so would get there for 11 ish.
cymatty said:"Sorry boss im cough cough ill"
Sam said:but its around 80 miles so stuff that
Phate said:would someone please confirm this is the right place? lol because im pressing buttons on the tomtom and then comparing it with google maps,-2.205677&spn=0.0087,0.020127
cymatty said:LOL me agw and westy are out sat night somewhere, if you fancy it.
Phate said:drinking water only and maybe
cymatty said:Ok add me or AGW to messenger then and we can chat about it.
Phate said:whats your msn?
L0rdMike said: