Save it for the black stuff... OcUK Manchester Meet 3

lukechad said:
Just checking once more I know the way, I am leaving here at about 9am, 92 miles for me so I should be averaging 45mph to get thre on time, well as its 90% motorway work for me I should be there in plenty of time, its far easier than I thought to get there. Quite excited now.

I'm not sure if I am going to be the last one to post on this before the meet but I have 110bhp and 200kg ;)

shouldnt your bike be limited to 33bhp? not being picky just thought it should be until you're 21 or something




Sorry I couldn't make it, hope you had a good day.

Coco I meant to bring your towing eye today, if you wanna mail me your address I'll send it over.
I am back also, 101.7 miles from the pub to my house and i did it in 1hr 45. There was loads more traffic on the M6 than at 9 o clock this morning.

More pics needed (did anyone get any vids either?)
Not a bad day all-in-all, sorry that mattpc stacked his car though :(

CTR sounded awesome though, that new induction made it sound gruff!
I had to laugh at Coco, almost colliding with a bucket in the road and then locking his wheels up going head on to the oncoming traffic didnt really give it the best start, but it was a vreat day :) if a little cool
-westy- said:

What, the 214 actually did a meet without breaking down? :D :D :cool:

I've just got home. Decided it would be fun to get as far as Huddersfield before realising I'd taken the wrong turn.

Another absolutely superb day! Thanks to everyone for turning up! There really were a lovely selection of cars there. Gilly, sorry to see that you didn't turn up, there were a couple of guys who were quite gutted actually.

And mattpc, sorry to see your car in that state :( Hope it didn't put you off attending future meets. Hope you can sort it out easy enough.

Anyway, as always... pics to come soon :)
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