Saving Sessions / Demand reduction thread

Is this why the octopus site isnt working atm, everyone checking at once? Not even app will load.

Someone on the GE forums mentioned getting a message about a saving session and ive been trying for 10 minutes to get the website to load lol


It says in info "opt in now to earn 3200 points (£4) for every unit of power you save" but nothing about export.
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Is this why the octopus site isnt working atm, everyone checking at once? Not even app will load.

Someone on the GE forums mentioned getting a message about a saving session and ive been trying for 10 minutes to get the website to load lol


It says in info "opt in now to earn 3200 points (£4) for every unit of power you save" but nothing about export.

Export is included.
Mine savings last time were from export and think plenty of others on here also, Hippo and Ronski for example
You get bonus for exporting during the time? I didn't see that. My usage is pretty much 0 so I can't gain much payback as I can't reduce my usage below my average
Yes, if you had a battery and set it to export you'll be quids in, I earned £12.34 the last session, as I exported far more than my average export, based on the last 10 week days.
I wish I knew that last time! I've set discharge for the full hour and a half then... Nice! I'll have a flat battery before shower time, but will be net profit at that rate!!!
I think 100% for me is ~12kwh atm in this 13.5kwh battery (they still tweaking the firmware) and so im going to hold discharge all day til it hits then BAM. Although I won't be exporting at the full 6kw as the export includes the house load so more like 5.2-5.3 for the 90 minutes. Should be able to pump in 7.5-8kwh which should leave me enough to get through rest of the expensive period not that it matters.

Is there a section on the site somewhere that states the export pricing because ive been looking and it says that export is included but absolutely no info on cost from what I could see.

Im hearing that its going to be £4 for export this time around, is this true? Is the price mentioned for both import AND export or are they separate?
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Its £4 for every kWh over/under your average. They take the last 10 weekdays, work out the average used, or exported for those 10 days, then whatever you save/export over that figure is what you get paid £4 per kWh for.

Example 1: Your average import is 2 kWh, tonight you import only 1 kWh, so you save 1 kWh, so you get £4
Example 2: Your average export is 2 kWh, tonight you export 5 kWh, so you exported an extra 3 kWh, so you get £12

I can put out about 8 or 9 kW including house load, for the full 90 minutes, just hope my data is being stored somewhere as its still only showing up to the 24th, it cuts off at midnight.
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Thanks, I've spoken to Octopus, they are going to run diagnostics. I'm sure it's their end as Bright has the data, and Octopus are still getting the gas readings. Live energy use also shows, which is done via the Octopus Mini.
They still get my gas readings as well, unfortunately they cant bill us from the mini data which is a shame because it seems more reliable.
Its £4 for every kWh over/under your average. They take the last 10 weekdays, work out the average used, or exported for those 10 days, then whatever you save/export over that figure is what you get paid £4 per kWh for.

Example 1: Your average import is 2 kWh, tonight you import only 1 kWh, so you save 1 kWh, so you get £4
Example 2: Your average export is 2 kWh, tonight you export 5 kWh, so you exported an extra 3 kWh, so you get £12

I can put out about 8 or 9 kW including house load, for the full 90 minutes, just hope my data is being stored somewhere as its still only showing up to the 24th, it cuts off at midnight.
Is the average determined for the peak period only or the full 24hr day?
it's the same time periods in other days, so if today's session is 17:00 - 18:30 it will use your average figure from these 3 x 30 min windows in prior days.
Fantastic, I am quite annoyed at this battery though, for the first time on this 24301 firmware a 100% charge is under 10kwh on the same day a saving session seems to be happening.

Still going to drain the battery for the full 90m though but the 6kw export will be more like 5.2-5.4 for the duration due to it covering home load as well but still 7.5kwh for flat 5kw export for 9m minimum will be £30 anyway so win win.
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