Saving Sessions / Demand reduction thread

@HungryHippos Thanks for the info, here it is in text form if anybody wants it.

2022 - 2023 sessions

15 November 17:00 to 18:00
22 November 17:30 to 18:30
30 November 17:30 to 18:30
1 December 17:00 to 18:00
12 December 17:00 to 19:00
19 January 09:00 to 10:00
23 January 17:00 to 18:00
24 January 16:30 to 18:00
30 January 09:00 to 10:00
13 February 17:30 to 18:30
21 February 17:30 to 18:30
15 March 18:30 to 19:30
23 March 18:30 to 19:30

2023 - 2024 Sessions

16 November 17:30 to 18:30 £2.25 per kWh
29 November 17:00 to 18:30 £4.00 per kWh
1 December 16:30 to 18:00 £4.00 per kWh
5 December 17:30 to 18:30 £2.25 per kWh

I was wondering if I could still export some most nights at peak, and it looks like its possible, 16:00 to 16:30 has never been a saving session, and 16:30 to 17:00 only twice so far.
A look at the drax electric insights website which shows the energy mix of the grid suggests most of these are when conditions are calm too so looking at the weather ahead gives a good idea.

Today for example though dull and rubbish everywhere, it was very windy, so almost half of the generation was from wind. During previous saving sessions wind was below 10%.

It's looking unsettled and windy until the middle of next week when it turns quite calm, so Weds-Fri are a good bet for the next one.
hmm odd i have an email about saving sessions talking about 29th and 1st
  • You saved 14.23 kWh, earning you 45552 Octopoints – worth £56.94."

But website isnt updated

Edit, matches predictions, diff £0.01

I've just had an email from good old Pete;

Thanks for being part of our Saving Sessions on 29th November and 1st December.
You saved 15.80 kWh, earning you 50560 Octopoints – worth £63.19

Like you, the website is only showing the 29th Nov session at the moment.

I suspect it will catch up tomorrow.
It seems like all the big savers are getting their results earlier, going by the numbers being posted so far.

I'll be in the order of 0.5 Kwh saved max. The saving session calc website was estimating around £2
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It seems like all the big savers are getting their results earlier, going by the numbers being posted so far.

I'll be in the order of 0.5 Kwh saved max. The saving session calc website was estimating around £2
I saved £30 still waiting on 1st here, I can be patient though, I know how much ive saved anyway.
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That's impressive, how did you manage that much?

That amount in the email does cover two dates, the 29th and the 1st, so about 7.5ish for each 90-minute session.

The 11.6kWh battery was pretty much full and the Inverter was set to manually discharge from the start of the session. The less-than-accurate app showed discharge to the grid was pretty much constant at 4.9 kWh with about 500w going to the house.

I'm pleased with the return, especially with the recent poor generation.
That amount in the email does cover two dates, the 29th and the 1st, so about 7.5ish for each 90-minute session.
I got £36.25 for the 29th, but missed out on the 1st due to meter issues. I discharge to the grid at about 8kW, but my baseline was up a bit because I used to export at peak.

Roll on some more long £4 sessions.
Wonder if/when we will see the free energy sessions that they have promised.

Tomorrow or Sunday would be good, gales and lower power needs over the weekend.
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If you mean then its only certain areas

Just found this as well which is what you are referring to so it does seem to be anyone signed up to Octoplus.

Reading the FAQ it does appear that the "Power Ups" and "Free electricity sessions" are two different things.

Just about to modify my Node Red so I can schedule saving sessions, and scheduled discharges, looks like I may need to add "Free electricity sessions" as well to the scheduler.
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Updated my scheduling system for saving sessions, and the elusive free electric sessions. Schedules and settings can all be changed on my phone/tablet/PC.

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