A lot of meters don't show live export power, mine doesn't - bug in the firmware unsurprisingly.If you export energy from your batteries/inverter to the grid - does nothing show outgoing on your IHD?
A lot of meters don't show live export power, mine doesn't - bug in the firmware unsurprisingly.If you export energy from your batteries/inverter to the grid - does nothing show outgoing on your IHD?
Yes that's correct....nothing showed on the IHD (0W) all the time I exported.If you export energy from your batteries/inverter to the grid - does nothing show outgoing on your IHD?
The one on 12/12 was over a week ago, perhaps they need to replace the ZX81 with a Spectrum
Surprised they are not getting paid quick considering from what I hear Axle is next day typically.I saw in Reddit they may be waiting for payment for the sessions to clear before they allocate points out to people, makes some sense.
Why allocate funds to people when you haven't been paid yourself? type of deal.
you earned £120 .. how we don't use a lot and have only done 8 ... think we got £4.15 ??Saving sessions are over for now but now im gonna get paid to use electricity for next (hopefully) couple of days MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
From 2am til 22:30 tomorrow where it goes back into negative again which should lead to another negative late night im hoping.
So far on saving sessions I have earned £120.68
13.5kwh battery with 6kw export capability but in reality it usually hovers around 5.8 (before house load). Thats how people are making earned £120 .. how we don't use a lot and have only done 8 ... think we got £4.15 ??