Saving Sessions / Demand reduction thread

This was mentioned in the e-mail I got from Octopus about my energy price changes yesterday:

"Happily, National Grid has just announced that the programme behind our Octoplus Saving Sessions will now run year round, instead of only Winter — with over £10m+ paid out to more than 1.6m customers, Saving Sessions are a simple way to save a few pounds off your bill."

Damn you coming along and gazumping my good news with your great news ;)
No use for people on flux probably. In summer at least.
No, probably not, though might potentially export a bit more than I do currently as I try to make sure I still have enough power to get me through to 2am, if the rate was good then obviously it would be worth just discharging as much as possible. I imagine it will be unlikely to be worth stopping exporting during the flux period to try and benefit more as I'm assuming the sessions will be pretty few and far between in the summer.
Yes, it would have complications, in the Winter I still force exported between 16:00 and 16:30 and 18:30 and 19:00 as saving sessions very rarely occured at those times, but it would severely curtail my potential, which didn't matter in the winter as I didn't have much spare.

I could probably export at 8kW+ in the above times, and export at a lower rate 16:30 to 18:30, then when there was a saving session export at maximum.
With two inverters I'm in the odd situation where I can force export more overall if I export at a lower rate for longer. This is because when I set the hybrid inverter to force export, it also exports at the same time from the non-hybrid inverter from the NW panels. I tend to force export at 3 or 4kW, but this then ends up as 6-7kW when the other inverter is included if its sunny. In that sense, knowing saving sessions might be due, I could export at 2.5-3kW as standard between 4-7pm but increase this up to the full 5kW from the hybrid inverter on a saving session. That way I'd be sending out at up to 8.68kW depending on the sunshine.
I just think its short sighted how they effectively punish people doing what those tariffs are designed for. Sounds like we won't be seeing many sessions again so it probably won't matter anyway.
No, probably not, though might potentially export a bit more than I do currently as I try to make sure I still have enough power to get me through to 2am, if the rate was good then obviously it would be worth just discharging as much as possible. I imagine it will be unlikely to be worth stopping exporting during the flux period to try and benefit more as I'm assuming the sessions will be pretty few and far between in the summer.
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There is usually a chuck of solar being fed in at this time of year over the 5-6pm peak and peak demand is lower in summer then winter.

Not sure summer saving sessions are really warranted!
There is still plenty of opportunity to store and use green elec (when the grid is at its dirtiest) even in summer its just that unlike winter we are very very unlikely to hit the max generating capacity which is when the real winter saving sessions kick in.

I wonder if its more medium term though right now.

Its clearly worked in winter so remove the Sept-Mar restriction and make it a tool thats readily available all year. Just because its available doesn't mean they will use it.

I do wonder if we may see a few test sessions however, just to see what the demand and capabilities are.

Its probably harder for non battery people to save as much as in the winter sessions.

I think sooner or later the mass message of TOU tariffs should go out. The default really will need to switch to TOU with limited people on fixed unit pricing over time.
I would require all the large energy companies to have at least one TOU tariff with a clear target user base, and to back a say 1 year price guarantee similar to how water meters often have one.
Year 1 you make the switch and if in any month your bill would have been cheaper on a fixed cost tariff the difference gets refunded.
I would actually have the requirement that an independent company processes the data from smart meters and identifies the top 10% of each energy companies customers that would benefit from TOU.
This top 10% must be offered a TOU tariff by the energy company with the price guarantee.
I would bet a lot of the top savers would be older people at home pretty much 24/7, who are also far less likely to be the ones that would switch to TOU.

Anyway, slightly off topic ;)
Just got an e-mail from Octopus, one hour of free(ish) electricity tomorrow between 1pm and 2pm for all customers (not region specific like power ups etc.). Apparently it's not all electricity that is free, but any extra that you use above your "normal" usage at that time of day (like savings sessions this appears to be calculated as your average weekday usage over the last 10 days) which will be credited back to your account within 14 days.

Not a massive earner but maybe a chance to force discharge and recharge a battery and run some high-power appliances (if you have solar panels the benefit may depend on how sunny it is).

Actually looks like it may be cloudy here, so thinking I may make sure the battery has some spare capacity and force charge that, plus also maybe run things like the dishwasher and washing machine. Though timing may be an issue depending on cycle time. Certainly not going to be anything like as worthwhile as some of the saving sessions, but maybe people have other smart ideas of the best way to benefit?
This will be interesting, my baseline should be negative, so hopefully that will boost my usage.

If I discharge my batteries sufficiently, I should be able to import at around 5 to 8kW for the hour depending on what my Solaredge system is generating. I can also limit how much power the panels connected to the Victron system produce if need be.

Just thought, my data for 24 July to 7 August is still missing, that may cause an issue as there isn't 10 days of data.
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Its not clear from the T&Cs if the baseline will factor in exported power or not, it just says they will calculate using average usage and for most of us im guessing that is 0.
There is a banner on the homepage and within Octoplus now

Need to be already signed up for Octoplus to get this one, so if your not you need to sign up to Octoplus and see this one out.

The baseline is same as for saving sessions it seems

How do you work out my normal use?​

Any power you use above normal will be free – so how do we decide what’s normal? We'll look at your historical smart meter readings to work out your typical energy use at that time of day.
If the Session is on a weekday, we'll look at your half-hourly usage over the last 10 weekdays. If the Session is at the weekend, we'll look at your half-hourly usage over the last 4 weekend days. We'll not include days where a Session took place in these calculations. Once we know this ‘normal’ figure, we can use it as a baseline - any power you use above that baseline will be free.
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