Saving Sessions / Demand reduction thread

Currently at 94% SOC, there will be plenty in there for a full hour at 8kW discharge, and then some later in the evening down to 15% SOC by midnight.

I'll export whatever they offer, as I also export in the evening anyway, so might as well have the extra, what I won't do is sit in the dark for an hour to export as much as possible.
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Currently at 94% SOC, there will be plenty in there for a full hour at 8kW discharge, and then some later in the evening down to 15% SOC by midnight.

I'll export whatever they offer, as I also export in the evening anyway, so might as well have the extra, what I won't do is sit in the dark for an hour to export as much as possible.

But post from MKW 30 mins ago said it was cancelled?
Just opted in. Battery is at 98% anyway as we've had a bit of sun. I won't need to charge any further so at 72+15p its worth it.
Yeah I think this is correct.
Session is on, so think its as I guessed and others have commented that the requirement for more had gone away, as a result of the SS etc that were committed to.

I haven't followed the NESO before recently so was not sure on the terminology, but it may be a good one to follow for highly likely sessions.
7.94kWh exported, baseline will be pretty much zero.

That certainly warmed the batteries up, they were 10c and are now 15c.
Managed about 4.8kWh here. Still have 40% SOC to last until 23:30, which should be enough.

My min cell temp is still only 8.3C after all of that. Its fortunate I'm on Intelligent Go now as its only able to charge at 3.5kW below 10C, so on Flux I wouldn't have enough time.
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Oh I see the streamlit app was updated for this winter. Its got the Dec one on there but not the one today.

I was dumping at 5.5kw as normal, but house usage would come off that, so expect I will be around 4.7kwh actual export.

I had forgotten all about baseline. As I have run outta batts a few times by 5pm recently I may get an extra bit for that.

My batts went from around 9c to 14c thats gonna drop off quickly though as they are basically flat so wont charge until 0:30
Will check the heating is on later but 99% sure it is.
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They'll accept bids of just 72p/kWh but will happily give £12 million (£5000 per MWh) to fire up two gas power stations for three hours. Its working well then. :rolleyes:

I guess its going to take some time to settle down.
What the likes of Octopus need to do is understand a bit more closely how large the requirement is likely to be.
Yesterday was exceptional so exceptional pricing took hold.
Previously they over priced themselves even though they bid similar to yesterday.

The last I saw all the generators got paid the same per kwh so maybe they changed the model again. Or, these special ones work to differing rules. (Or of course both those things)

Cant say I am unhappy with 72p a kwh. I would do that every single day given the opportunity :)
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