scary childrens tv shows

Chocky, that scared me, well horrible espically at the start of the series, not so kiddie was Sapphire & Steele, the one on the train station in particular with the darkness, even the theme tune.
Terrahawks. Remember the cubes with faces that also did noughts and crosses and the evil witch with a face like a shrivelled prune.

Incredible Hulk scared me, not when he was a hulk but ITV / LWT used a 50/50 freezeframe of the transition between bill bixby and hulk between the adverts that would me cower with fear.
I mentioned this in another thread over in the ML&BO field: Oscar, a lunchtime mid-seventies ITV puppet show about the eponymous rabbit and his scrapes with an evil predatorial neighbour, who I'm convinced had decorated his home with the skulls of his victims. Nothing on t'net confirms this, however :(

The other thing that gave me nightmares was Uncle Deadly, the phantom of The Muppet Show:

Not bloody surprising, looking at that.

Oh, and the 'unstoppable' Venus Probe ["I said venus, Stew!"] that appeared in several Six Million Dollar Man stories. Funny now, of course. Ah, the power of childish imagination :)
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