Y'know, makes me laugh. I'm a northerner, proud of it, yet if I said that I had made something, phentically I'd say "I'd med it".
The higher class would mock and laugh at me, say I was thick, stupid, perhaps point an sneer, whilst they ate their "Skon's" with a cup of tea.
What pillock said that saying "Skon" was for posh people? What utter tosh.
Well all I'll say on the matter is that it's "SCONE", there are two vowels surrounding a constantant and thus you emphasise the last vowel.
Home, Dome, Made, Cake, Plate, Same, Life, Phone
Not Hom, Dom, Mad, Cak, Plat, Sam, Lif or Phon.
Speaking of which, think I'll have one now.