Update on the VEGA56 watercooling.
This has been a bit of a saga unfortunately. So I decided to make a custom shroud to be able to re-use the stock fan alongside the water block on the GPU. This would also allow for some nice RGB to be mounted around the GPU. Here's how it went.
Cut the acrylic to size:
Add some heat and bend it into shape.
Cut a hole for the water block. At this point I totally forgot that the mounting hardware would interfere with the shroud so had not cut holes.
Cut a rough hole for the fan.
Tidy everything up and it's looking quite nice.
The most satisfying part. Sanding to create the satin finish. Went with 400 grit to get a really smooth finish.
At this point I realised the mounting hardware had not been accounted for so had to make adjustments.
The final result:
I think it looks awesome and with some RGB behind it will glow beautifully.
Only one problem. When I went to put this ex-mining (most likely the cause) card back on the motherboard to leak test it... error 43 (something went wrong), the most generic of them all. There is an output to one screen but not multiple monitors and nothing 3D can be done. Okay I thought, this can be solved. After spending 16 hours over 2 days trying absolutely everything on any forum or article I could find about removing drivers and fresh windows installs, even trying Ubuntu at one point, I gave up and declared it RIP. All this work and nothing to show
So the hunt is on for a new GPU. For which I will plan to make a similar shroud depending on what cooling is already installed. This time I'll be well practiced and better at it!
Thanks again to Gelid for the support!