Scratch Build: Blu & Red Aluminium - Sponsored by Gelid

Here's the latest. I was testing the RGB distribution PCB's compatibility with the Aorus motherboard RBG output. Removing the arduino controller and running the MOSFETs directly from the motherboard seemed to work, but the colours were all coming out as the opposite! This is because the signals were being inverted by the MOSFETs, so I tried driving the LEDs directly from the motherboard and it fixed the issue although the red was a little on the orange side.

Looking at the scope signal and taking a very low exposure picture of the LED I could tell the green LED was still slightly on when the motherboard thought it was off.


An additional pull up to the green LED driver line fixed the problem and the red was looking red again. If you compare the two pictures of the LED you can see in this one there is only one die illuminated, the red. As opposed to above where the green is very slightly on as well.

Also added a side mounted connector for the motherboard cable.

Thanks again to Gelid for the support!
Looks awesome! do you have enough wires/resistors/transistors ect ect? i have a big box of "breadboard" stuff if you need any?

Wow that's incredibly kind of you! I think I have enough to get me to the end of this project though, finally getting to use some of the stuff I've been holding on to for the past decade.
Looking good!

Would love to have a crack at a scratch build one day, but for the foreseeable at least i have neither the skills, nor the tools to learn the skills!

Love the triple res setup, i must admit it took me a second to get my head around it, i see dual or triple res and instantly think dual loop, and given the red/blue theme i kinda assumed that's what you would do here! Should look great all filled though!

Thanks :).

Two loops is indeed the plan. Blue for GPU and red for CPU.

I had never done a scratch case before this one. Lots of learning and mistakes. That's what it's all about!
When i have moved house, got my garage set up as a workshop, bought my dream motor, and have time...... THEN ill be able to haha

So which loop is getting 2 res? Red or Blue? decisions decisions!

Love the panel work, looks spot on that fella.

haha, I've just moved, so have to build a whole office before i can finish this thing off now. It was so close!

The CPU loop, red, will have two res.

Thanks for the complement, wasn't sure how the final paint would look but I'm pretty happy with it.
never tried a duel rez setup on one loop
how well does it work? any impact to flow?
i have two rads above my current rez, and i have 2 spare rez

a secondary inline res is effectively a larger diameter piece of tubing, shouldn't have much of an effect on flow rate or anything.
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