Here you go sam when you get chance to look
Wow your'e flying along on this one, look epic... keep up the good work that man!
Only came in here because i saw Gelid...
i really miss using Gelid GC extreme it was such a fantastic paste such a shame ocuk no longer stock it. Leagues ahead of this grizzly tosh we get thrown in our faces now.
Good work here! it's interesting the tablet for temps, i want to see how you connect to the computer!
Also good choose the 140mm fan for PSU
Looks awesome! do you have enough wires/resistors/transistors ect ect? i have a big box of "breadboard" stuff if you need any?
Wow that's incredibly kind of you! I think I have enough to get me to the end of this project though, finally getting to use some of the stuff I've been holding on to for the past decade.
Looking good!
Would love to have a crack at a scratch build one day, but for the foreseeable at least i have neither the skills, nor the tools to learn the skills!
Love the triple res setup, i must admit it took me a second to get my head around it, i see dual or triple res and instantly think dual loop, and given the red/blue theme i kinda assumed that's what you would do here! Should look great all filled though!
Two loops is indeed the plan. Blue for GPU and red for CPU.
I had never done a scratch case before this one. Lots of learning and mistakes. That's what it's all about!