[Scratch case] Project Duplex

Furyus: Thx buddy!

Mole: I did tryr something similar but with a flat top instead of the pointy one. The acrylic cover looked weird but it may be better with a point instead. i would really like the reservoir in the top, makes it so easier with the loop if it is in the highest point :)

Uncle Petey: Thx man! Hopefully it will work great, otherwise it will be a 2 sided case with all parts on one side :D

d_brennen: Thx man! I was thinking i could solder a port on the back side but i do not have the skills for it and i def can't afford to buy more parts if i mess these up :) Also the mod needs to be done in the end of January so i don't have much time

Deus Ex: Cheers man!

systemerror: Thx buddy!

BuZ: ;)

GreasyDiablo88: Thx buddy!
Finally an update! Was a lot harder to get the profile than i thought. Living in the country side has its drawbacks :)

First i would like to say a big Thanks to OCZ and Mr J. for believing in me and sponsoring me with a 256GB Vector drive. Will take some nice pictures of it as soon as i get it back. Took it to a place to make it fit the build a bit better. More on that in another update :)

The profile, Ordered 2mm thick profile but when i got it it was only 1,5mm. Oh well, would have been nice with 2mm for threading but 1,5mm will be enough.... i hope.

after cutting all the profiles with a hand saw and I milled them to the right angle and size.

De burring all the edges

All profiles except one

Welding it all together. Was too optimistic with the welding. I did not think it would warp as much as it did. All in all it was only a mm or 2 off but due to so many angles and lengths it looked so crooked I did not wanna use it.

Plan B: Cut off all the legs, straighten out one leg that was a bit warped. The rest were fine. Then mill all of the legs at once to make sure they are all the same length and straight

Decided instead of welding i would make inserts to bolt into the profile and into the base and top. This way it's easier to keep straight and also a lot easier when its time to paint. Should have thought about this before

Tapping the inserts


All done. Still need to clean up to get it looking really nice but will leave that until its time to paint

The base

Made a 2mm sheet and pressed it inside the profile, welded it and after milled it straight. If i can get another profile i might make a 45 degree cut instead. Would look a lot nicer.

Time for some sheet metal work. Sticking with 2mm aluminum. Don't know what this is called but it is very useful.


The panel is divided into 3 pieces for now while i work with the pieces. I might weld them together at a later stage. Still need to drill a lot of holes and cut some openings in them.

Drilled and getting ready to tap


Had to try a mobo on it. Case looks huge and it is a bit big but u think it will shrink a bit once i start adding things to it

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Great work so far, shame it warped but the choice you've made to fabricate will still retain much of the strength to stop any further warping!

Pics on your original post (from CM forum) are down/unavailable. Work process pics (photobucket) are working ok though :)
So a very small update. Have been busy helping mum and dad move house, so have not had any time for modding but picked something up on Friday that i thought i would share with you.

My first part for the build, a 256GB Vector drive.

Content: SSD, a mounting plate, screws, a sticker, a manual and a key for acronis true image

The drive, looks great but didn't really fit the black and red build i'm doing. so decided to make some minor changes.

Didn't wanna go too crazy with these as i want it to look enough original but still fit the design
A solid black one, this was very hard to photograph, probably took 50 photos and didn't get a single good one. Need to read up on how to take proper photos :)



A black metallic one


Made enough stickers so i have a few to mess up, or if i wanna make a small raid :D

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Great looking build so far, the size took me by surprise from the initial image I assumed with was smaller.

Out of interest how did you go about creating the stickers? Doesn't look like a simple inkjet/laser printer job.
I love seeing these types of build, theres just something about a case being built from scratch that appeals to me. The design is excellent looking forward to seeing it when it is complete :)
So clean looking, can't wait to see some more :)


Great looking build so far, the size took me by surprise from the initial image I assumed with was smaller.

Out of interest how did you go about creating the stickers? Doesn't look like a simple inkjet/laser printer job.

I might have stretched it a bit since the design :) I took it to a guy where i live that makes stickers for a living, better quality and fairly cheap i hope (have not gotten an invoice yet :) But i took the harddrive to him and told him to make the blue black :)

I love seeing these types of build, theres just something about a case being built from scratch that appeals to me. The design is excellent looking forward to seeing it when it is complete :)

Thx buddy!
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