Sea of Thieves - released March 20th

27 Feb 2012
me and my nephew are really enjoying this game, I can imagine its pretty boring in solo but with friends its a blast, plus game gets more fun once you have reached level 5 for all the 3 factions.found 2 ship wrecks tonight and found some rare chests etc
7 Mar 2017
Dithered whether or not to get this but pulled the plug and got it on Friday. Played a good few hours on this over the weekend. With the right people its hilarious. The learning curve is steep and on Friday night (Our first game) within 5 minutes we came under attack from a Galleon. 30 minutes of battling, dying, getting sunk then they agreed to "team up" which was handy as we did one of the Raid type events which need a lot of people to finish in a reasonable time. Also pays to play with someone that's "ranked up" quite a bit as a noob so that you can get access to their higher reward missions.

Being fully loaded you've really got to avoid conflict ie. head to the closest outpost that'll keep the wind behind you for ultimate speed. Unless of course you have a properly organised/efficient squad. Before we logged off this morning we had unloaded the galleon (About 10-15 items) just as a single operated sloop showed up (Why would you park next to a crewed up galleon?) Poor guy didn't know what hit him lol :rotfl:

As for the complaint that you aren't working towards an upgraded something and only cosmetics? Does PUBG reward you for pouring the hours in? No, you get cosmetics. I have no issues not having an upgrade path tbh as it levels the playing field for everyone and in a game such as this I think its fair.

The game looks absolutely fantastic also.
26 Jan 2009
Salisbury, Wilts
PubG is a multiplayer shooter not an open world RPG...

No upgrade path and no progressions means this game will just die....and quick.

Sea of Thieves an open world RPG and not a multiplayer shooter.... OK..... Lets recap what the Game has:- Guns + you play with Multiple People, so where in that equation is this not a Multiplayer Shooter?

Liken this to The Division and it being an encounter based PvPvE game, you'll be closer to the games nature.

If gear/loot was a thing in this, you would get ganked in the seas by pro's with higher gear/ships/cannons etc. rather than standing a fighting chance by having even gear. Having just visual items is fair and means the game rely's on skill and teamwork to beat opponents. I would guarantee if this game was based on loot you'd have these horrendous loot treasure chest crates you can buy that are plaguing the modern gaming community too.

11 Aug 2012
S.E Wales
Difference between Pubg and SoT, Pubg there's always action happening and constantly on your toes, where as SoT you're lucky to see a ship within an hour, the 16player/4 galleon max is a killer for me, Like i've said in the PC thread, I want a good scrap, I want to see 2-3 ships about and ready to dive head first for a raging battle.

When you do find a ship it's just a great feeling, smashing it with the cannon's, got the increasing tone of music after each strike, jumping overboard to raid their resources and loot....That's a pirate game.
5 May 2008
Difference between Pubg and SoT, Pubg there's always action happening and constantly on your toes, where as SoT you're lucky to see a ship within an hour, the 16player/4 galleon max is a killer for me, Like i've said in the PC thread, I want a good scrap, I want to see 2-3 ships about and ready to dive head first for a raging battle.

When you do find a ship it's just a great feeling, smashing it with the cannon's, got the increasing tone of music after each strike, jumping overboard to raid their resources and loot....That's a pirate game.

That's the beauty of it. I've played it a lot now and I have never attacked anyone. Happy to just do my own thing at my own pace. The openness of it and the level playing field means anyone can just play it however they want. I am not really looking for action in that way but if that's your thing then that's cool, too.

I used to love level progression and in some things I still do. I don't mind that this isn't like every other game out there. It's fun and that's all that matters to me.

I read some of Rare's roadmap yesterday and they are looking to possibly increase the instance population in future updates.
5 May 2006
When you do find a ship it's just a great feeling, smashing it with the cannon's, got the increasing tone of music after each strike, jumping overboard to raid their resources and loot....That's a pirate game.

Indeed, but just maybe if you came across a ship every 5 mins it would get a bit less exciting....
18 Feb 2007
Indeed, but just maybe if you came across a ship every 5 mins it would get a bit less exciting....

Yeah, I played a bit earlier on solo sloop, did a quick voyage to collect some chickens, in my play time of about an hour and half I came across only one galleon, I think its better like this, as you say coming across ships every 5-10 mins would be chaotic and less fun as no one would be able to complete quests and rarely coming across other players makes the encounters much better.
9 Mar 2012
Sea of Thieves an open world RPG and not a multiplayer shooter.... OK..... Lets recap what the Game has:- Guns + you play with Multiple People, so where in that equation is this not a Multiplayer Shooter?

Liken this to The Division and it being an encounter based PvPvE game, you'll be closer to the games nature.

If gear/loot was a thing in this, you would get ganked in the seas by pro's with higher gear/ships/cannons etc. rather than standing a fighting chance by having even gear. Having just visual items is fair and means the game rely's on skill and teamwork to beat opponents. I would guarantee if this game was based on loot you'd have these horrendous loot treasure chest crates you can buy that are plaguing the modern gaming community too.


You are literally role playing as a pirate in an open world. Its an open world RPG with next to no content.

The lack of levelling and upgrade trees etc is nothing more then lazy. Why would you as a level one come across a level 30 ship? Its called matchmaking and has been done for years.

This is nothing lile The Division either, that game had content, upgrade trees and a story.

This has nothing....
27 Feb 2012
I just don't get some of the hate this game is receiving :confused: it could easily have become another pay to win game but I prefer the way it is I mean what's the point of becoming strong/better with more powerful ships etc if your only going to get matched with similar players and not many than that on a huge map ? if they increased the amount of players per lobby it would get really annoying when your just trying to level up a faction to get attacked every 5 seconds it would just turn into a pirate version of world of me this game is more than most other games out there,theres more than just digging up treasure. Millions enjoy fortnight or pug b and there is less to do there than on this game you do the same thing over and over again on the same map jump out of plane, land search for weapons ,try to be last alive and this game charges you nearly 20 quid for a new skin lol.
9 Mar 2012
Wait...youre comparing a full priced title with a £20 one and a free one both of which have more going on, hence the high player numbers. Why dont you compare it with simolar priced titles such as Assasins Creed or The Witcher?

Matchmaking players with similar levels happens in every single game and it works for them.

But sure, why have a reason to actually play the game and progress, id much rather look for different coloured chickens in a fetch mission.
27 Feb 2012
Wait...youre comparing a full priced title with a £20 one and a free one both of which have more going on, hence the high player numbers. Why dont you compare it with simolar priced titles such as Assasins Creed or The Witcher?

Matchmaking players with similar levels happens in every single game and it works for them.

But sure, why have a reason to actually play the game and progress, id much rather look for different coloured chickens in a fetch mission.
don't play it then lol
18 Feb 2007
This game is alright and can be fun, hopefully more content will be added but in the meantime Im enjoying it, the only thing is this game is not great playing solo you need to be in a crew, I was playing solo earlier and its ok until all your hardwork is taken away when some crew comes along shoots you and steals all your chests, and not only that they stick around your spawn area to kill you again, and if you have voice chat its almost as if they are having a laugh with you and trying to wind you up.
So its not that nice playing solo in these instances.
27 Feb 2012
had a few hours on this tonight a lot of fun again had 2 chests stolen managed to get them back then bumped into a galleon with a friendly bunch of pirates who we danced and played music with :) even helped us on a outpost find where to cash in our Luxury linen.then 2 of us headed for the skull cloud and find the right island with all the skeletons and ghosts to try and get all the loot these islands have but it was just impossible :eek: went on a little voyage and came under attack from a galleon with only 2 players on board we had nothing they could take so we fired ourselves out of the cannon to said enemy ship threw there treasures over board and lifted there anchor and ploughed it into the rocks :D ah fun times .
9 Mar 2012
Or, you know, whining.

Try reading the thread, he made a pubg comparison and i disagreed. If you dont like it ignore me. Simple as that.

Anytime anyone has a negative opinion in these game threads they are being accused of whining. Have a word and take someone elses opinion on board.
6 Dec 2013
had a few hours on this tonight a lot of fun again had 2 chests stolen managed to get them back then bumped into a galleon with a friendly bunch of pirates who we danced and played music with :) even helped us on a outpost find where to cash in our Luxury linen.then 2 of us headed for the skull cloud and find the right island with all the skeletons and ghosts to try and get all the loot these islands have but it was just impossible :eek: went on a little voyage and came under attack from a galleon with only 2 players on board we had nothing they could take so we fired ourselves out of the cannon to said enemy ship threw there treasures over board and lifted there anchor and ploughed it into the rocks :D ah fun times .

I must admit when I read posts like this about the game it does really make me want to buy it lol sounds proper fun, only problem is at my ripe old age I have turned into a solo gamer now, everyone used to play with has gone and got these strange things called lives....
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