kmistry said:
I bought a 7200.10 250Gb one and at first I thought the HDD was SOOOOO noisy. But for some reason it has quietened down and now I cant even hear it! So I don't know what's going on tbh but I'm just happy that it's silent. Sorry you got a noisy drive perhaps it is a dud
Interesting yours has quietened down. This is the 2nd drive I've had, I took the first one back after having it just for a day. Thought I'd give this 2nd one more of a chance?? not sure what I was expecting it to do lol!
2 duds? both with green glue, the one that many other people are complaining about. I feel it's no coincidence
smids said:
No-one hears drives in a server, so I doubt that. They invented the 3.5" drive and are the largest HDU manufacturer, so no they wouldn't be out of business.
I do own lots of Seagates, including a medalist (10 years old and going strong) and all of mine have been quiet and excellent.
What I disagree with, is your perpetual rant in all threads about Seagate drives. The 7200.10 is THE fastest 7200rpm drive out there bar none. It is unrivaled virtually except for Raptors. The drive is only noisy, not failed or anything so I can't see the huuge complaint. If it is that noisy, then perhaps there IS something wrong with it because you should never be able to hear a hard drive in another room.
I'm sorry but your posts just smack of fanboy.
I'm glad you're happy with all your Seagates. I've got one and it's terrible and I bought it on the back of many recommendations from people like you. Get this. When someone wants to buy a new hard-drive or whatever, sites like this are a good start to see what's popular and what's reliable, etc.
I heard nothing bad about these 7200.10's until I'd already bought one and really looked for signs of trouble. I think it only right to let people know that these drives have a problem, a big one.
This problem is made even worse by the fact it's deniable. Your post earlier is something I'd expect to hear from Seagate customer services about how the drive works, they don't advertise it as silent, etc. They can actually say this, the shop I bought this drive from could say it tomorrow when I return it, then what? sell it on to some other poor soul?
I think it only right other people should be warned that they may get lumbered with an expensive paper weight.
Do you really believe that it's perfectly ok for a company to sell a hard-drive that emits a loud, constant whine because they don't advertise their drives as silent?
You don't seem to understand that I'm not complaining about being able to hear it when it's seeking/ reading/ writing or whatever. I can live with any of that. This noise is either through a design fault and has since been revised and fixed or I've been incredibly unlucky and had 2x dodgy drives. I suspect the first one as I'm not the only one am I?
smids said:
What I disagree with, is your perpetual rant in all threads about Seagate drives.
What are you talking about?