here is a pic off the crossfired cards:
since then i have added a second fan on the hdd cage, pushing air into the graphics cards to cool them
i have removed the perspex from the side panel, took off all that foamed double-sided tape and put carbon fibre around the panel (and crossfire bridge
here are a few photos of that process:
and the final finished panel
the way i did it was:
1) mark the panel on the vinyl and cut an inch round that
2) cut out the vinyl
3) put the vinyl on the panel with a squeegee to make sure their are no air bubbles or wrinkles
4) cut and flap over each edge piece and be careful not to cover the panel locking bits
5) use the paper from the back of the vinyl and cut out a window-shaped piece and put it on the back of the vinyl so that you can then draw your template on the paper
6) cut 1.5 inches within the window section so you can flap it around the edge
7) for the rounded corners cut it like segments of an orange and push up from below to fan it all out - then stretch it and stick it down for a nice smooth rounded edge
8) stick on the perspex with gaffa tape or something (make sure its clean before you do this
ill upload some pics of the carbon-fibred crossfire bridge and the overall nice pic
also, ive tried uploading the pics with flickr, but i cant see an easy way to make forum image code for the whole upload - its a PITA