Seeing SetiClassic off in style!

BillytheImpaler said:
Is it the first one on the list?

Just tried the first one on the list, seems that is just for IBM mainframe computers. Suppose i'll just make do with the 3.08 version. Thanks anyways though.

w00t! Thank you Don 'Zerker. It's been a pleasure finding aliens for OcUK. Six days left until I get all foldy again though.
I have a cunning plan. My plan will only work if I can make this graph move in the right direction, but it may not have a all encompassing postitive effect, other than maybe getting me to 200K a bit faster. :)

The race is over, guys. The gap has hovered at 140-145K for the last week, thanks to Borkeley doing what they do best. The only reason I can see to carry on is to achieve personal milestones.
We still don't know, apparently borkeley are going to do a final run through the db to weed out "dubious" results, its close enough that we should keep on trying I reckon. Can't hurt anyway can it? :D
yer we might as well give it all we've got for the last 5 days. Even if we don't reach our goal we will at least come closer to it. Every little helps. 140K difference isn't that much really. Come on team, we don't wanna look back and think, if only!
Sorry guys, but I think it's all over bar the shouting. Borkeley did for us as it should have been a much closer run thing, albeit that it was always going to be a tall order. It was fun while it lasted.

Major upgrading to my borged network means my output will die out in the next few hours. Still I did manage nearly 7500 WUs in around a month. It would have been nice to have got a 10k tiffy though.
Thats just the drink talking, don't listen to him :p

On another note... my cunning plan starts to take effect. :D

He seems to ahve something up his sleeve. I hope it's a time machine so that I can go back in time and not get the hangover I'm going to wake up to in about 5 hours. Cheers fellas.
mark128 said:
Hey, does anyone have version 3.03 of seti for linux. I can only find 3.08 on the downloads page and that version is slow thanks to borkeley

Not sure if you still need 3.03 - it's the static linked version which makes it way better than 3.08 on old Linux installations.

As of the duplicate results :

The client succeeds in sending the result but runs into an error from the reply which makes it keep the result on your local HD.

It retries to send the same result after an hour but - as the first send actually did not fail - receives the "duplicate" message this time.

The bad effect is, that it will sleep for one hour after each result, if you do not have a buffer tool or script controlled buffering of some kind.

p.s.: Registered on Fri Dec 14 15:20:11 2001 UTC
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Dunno what Borkeley were up to yesterday, but the seti@work stats suggest we added over 12k to our total :D - previous few days were only 5-6k.

That's good, except that "the other team" added over 25k yesterday :(
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