This is all fine, until someone innocent gets beaten to death. Some old person forgets their address, a sleep walker, drunk, homeless, lost child, mentally ill, or just your neighbour thought you were in trouble/heard a scream/smelt smoke or gas/thought you were having a heart attack.
The bottom line is, the law is already there. You are allow to defend yourself and property, you can strike first as a pro-active defence means.
I don't think the problem is the law. general lack of policing, the usual youth of today issues getting our of hand.
Anyway, I don't think death is an appropriate response to burglary - perhaps cutting the hand off... While if you feel your life or one of your families lives are in danger then killing the intruder may be the most effective means of defence. Luckily, this is allowed within the current law. You just have to have proof that it was the best action to take given the conditions (and psychological conditions).
I mean, if someone walked in shooting off rounds at your family and you take a 12 gauge to their head then that is fine in the eyes of the law. If the attacker sees your shotgun and then runs away and you shoot them in the back as they leg it down the driveway - that is not. The dip **** should be imprisoned for life IMO, but you cant be the judge, jury and executioner!