Senior police officer faces sack over 'whiter than white' remark

Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
A senior police officer has been put on restricted duties while an investigation is underway into his use of the term 'whiter than white' during a briefing session to his staff. The investigation could take up to twelve months and disciplinary action could include being sacked (although I doubt that sanction would be used).

His staff are even supporting him saying that no malice was intended. My understanding of the term is that it simply refers to being very clean and originated from a time when getting white cloth clean was a very difficult act. I don't understand this phrase to be related in any way to the colour of skin or someone's race.

The 'politically correct' agenda in this country is out of control and the UK has gone utterly, utterly nuts. This will do far more harm to the police and society than any possible 'offense' that could have mistakenly been infered. We are building more and more trouble for ourselves as a society and, sadly, we will not be better off for it.
13 Dec 2005
'An inquiry is believed to be running into an officer’s use of the phrase “pale, stale and male” in another force. A “good egg” is also thought to be discouraged in police ranks because it is deemed to be too closely associated with “egg and spoon”, rhyming slang for a highly offensive racist term.'

This is going to end well.
2 Aug 2012
Don't know when the phrase originated, but for as long as I can remember (Which is a loooong time!:p) it relates to washing detergents and cleaning products.

Its a bit like the whole hissy fit thing about "Niggardly" A word that has its origins in Norse language.

Oh, and PS

. A “good egg” is also thought to be discouraged in police ranks because it is deemed to be too closely associated with “egg and spoon”, rhyming slang for a highly offensive racist term.'

Of course the thing is, every time the Thought Police try to ban one "Offensive Phrase" people will simply come up with a new one. Its a bit like the hopeless fight against "Designer Drugs"
26 Dec 2003
Whiter than white means to be on your best behaviour, or to describe someone who is of good moral character.

It's no wonder the police are in such chaos, how many officers are suspended or sacked for saying innocent things that some left wing nut job associates with a racial slur? how can the police focus on fighting crime when so much time and resources are being spent dealing with PC **** like this?
29 Jul 2004
Glad this SJW PC rubbish has backfired on the police, couldn't be a funnier story if it tried. Maybe stop policing people's subjective hurty feelings and thought crimes and go after real violent criminals.



7 Apr 2018
Hold on ... theres a lot of nuance here being missed in the typical blah blah SJW nonsense. In the works of Gaiman, a predominant concept is the concept of semantic culture. In a sense, Abian holds that we have to choose between posttextual Marxism and dialectic appropriation. The characteristic theme of the works of Gaiman is the bridge between sexual identity and class which intersects with the subject of racism and how it relates to the MET, which is an institutionally racist organisation which has calcified over the years of white maleness washing over it since the very inception. It is not so much society that is intrinsically responsible for racism, but rather the absurdity, and eventually the stasis, of society, which in the UK is of course traditionally white christian men. Constructivism implies that consciousness is used to entrench class and race divisions, and so these common tropes and 'slang terms' which have evolved over the years are a reflection of the inherit racism and unconscious bias of the powers that be at the MET. Quite literally, whiter than whiter is what they mean.
27 Jan 2009
Hold on ... theres a lot of nuance here being missed in the typical blah blah SJW nonsense. In the works of Gaiman, a predominant concept is the concept of semantic culture. In a sense, Abian holds that we have to choose between posttextual Marxism and dialectic appropriation. The characteristic theme of the works of Gaiman is the bridge between sexual identity and class which intersects with the subject of racism and how it relates to the MET, which is an institutionally racist organisation which has calcified over the years of white maleness washing over it since the very inception. It is not so much society that is intrinsically responsible for racism, but rather the absurdity, and eventually the stasis, of society, which in the UK is of course traditionally white christian men. Constructivism implies that consciousness is used to entrench class and race divisions, and so these common tropes and 'slang terms' which have evolved over the years are a reflection of the inherit racism and unconscious bias of the powers that be at the MET. Quite literally, whiter than whiter is what they mean.

What a load of Pseduintellectual, word salad nonsence.

The Marxist ideal that humans can't somehow completely break down society and its institutions and reconstruct it from the ground up from a social and or economic 'justice' viewpoint has to be one of the most insidious and ridiculous ideas in popular discourse at the moment.
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