This is where it all goes out the window.
So many conflicting reviews about the HD600 and HD650.
People say the ultimate neutral headphone is the HD600. The HD650 is basically a modded slightly warmer/darker HD600 iirc. So people tend to prefer it as it's slightly more natural even if it's not as neutral as the HD600.
Basically if your working in a studio the HD600 is probably the better option. For enjoying music most likely the HD650. Never listened to the 650 but I own the HD600 and I have to say it's simply sublime.
I would say everyones end game for music should be 600's or 650's after that your throwing money away. It's not worth spending 3-10 times as much for slight improvements. Law of diminishing returns and all.
For gaming nobody should look further than the Q701, K702, etc from AKG or AD700 range from Audio Technica.
I didn't mean to sound rude. I probably don't have the best hearing as I've worked with woodworking machines all my life.
There's no way I could swing having two sets of headphones unfortunately, so I'd need one pair of headphones that's good at everything rather than being particularly good with music/gaming/movies.
I've looked at the AD700X before, I think I've seen comments saying that the sound feels quite "airy" and like it's around you rather than in your head. That sounds amazing for games but not sure how well it would work for music.
And then I only ever see the HD650 mentioned for music, Googling for how good they are with games doesn't really bring up results. I'll give the 650's a go tonight but it looks like my X2's might be my best option for an all-in-one set of headphones.