SETI@Home News Vol. 126 16th - 22nd April 2011

It's not really tinkering yet: the new PSU won't arrive before Tuesday, and probably not until Wednesday, so all I've done is stability test with one 480. I've had one reboot, which worries me. Once the new PSU is installed I'll try again with just one card and if it survives a week without reboots I'll swap cards and try again. If each is OK alone, I'll then go back to SLI. If I'm still getting reboots with both cards on their own it will be back to the drawing board. But it will be at least two weeks before full production is resumed.

:eek:Darn .... well i hope it all goes well and according to plan, we cant afford to have you away for too long. Hopefully my rig change on wednesday should go according to plan and will not be out of action for more than 24hours, upgrades/repairs come and go but i hope our rac rank does not slip too far :(
:) Not to worry it'll come right, been racking my brains might have to go cap in hand to people and ask em to join us.
What ya upto .... polishing chrome? ;)
Blimey just realised the time sleep might be a good idea at some point, maybe i should start setting an alarm to tell me its time for bed :)

Will start asking around and see if i can persuade the uninitiated to join us or something, or if i show willing and do some folding once this new rig is done maybe we could organise a cross party crunch summat along those lines
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Sleep is for the weak and feeble :p

Offer them cake and see :D

No its actually for those who have ran out of prescription sleep help doh...

Cake mmmm that has possibilities ...nope wouldn't work i'm a right pig when it comes to chocolate and cake, will just get enormously fat and not be able to reach power button :(

Think we'll have to admit that you need to be special to throw what we do at looking for ET;):p

Morning Mr Reaver sah, i guess it comes and goes just at the minute theres Mr Meridians pc problems, mines still climbing not as fast as i would like. Christians putting in a good show(new member), and Mr kolala's back.
Oh eckers like i forgot the weather has been a bit warmer than usual that could account for some of it.
I can't do anymore hardware wise for a few months lets just hope things perk up a bit am looking forward to us stomping Team China :D
Mornin' good sirs

The weather may have something to do with it or it maybe due to people feeling like a change.

I have a feeling edge may be up to something looking at his last few days RAC. I just know he's got something devilish up his sleeve to stomp me ;)

Guess i may just have to change out MB's to the 4 pci-e i have just to check if my probs are MB related. Then it would be silly not to atleast get 1 more gpu now wouldn't it?? :p
Mornin' good sirs

I have a feeling edge may be up to something looking at his last few days RAC. I just know he's got something devilish up his sleeve to stomp me ;)

I wish! I think I have just bee n lucky as it is still the 2 x 470's and 1 480...
No more yet for me - life is catching up and I have to spend my cash on 'real' things:mad:
Having said that, should a chance come up and I can do it, I will, as I can't lie Reaver, stomping you would be very enjoyable :p I don't hold grudges, but Im still sore at the way you steamed past last time! My time will come....
Realistically, I think the missus has gone into full wedding mode, so Im saving for the next couple of years..

Happy birthday Meridian - hope you get a stable machine...
Q. If Dave is in the top twenty with 16k more than 10 million, and Dave's weekly dumpage was 176K, why wouldn't he appear in the recent tiffy winners list? Could there be something wrong with the auto-tiffy detectors?:p

I hope its going to be fixed this week cos I won't be here to shout up my impending 7 million:D

Go Dave, nice tiffy even if we haven't seen it yet:D
Q. If Dave is in the top twenty with 16k more than 10 million, and Dave's weekly dumpage was 176K, why wouldn't he appear in the recent tiffy winners list? Could there be something wrong with the auto-tiffy detectors?:p

I hope its going to be fixed this week cos I won't be here to shout up my impending 7 million:D

Go Dave, nice tiffy even if we haven't seen it yet:D

Evening Mr kolala sah, when it comes to the recent tiffy winners i just scan the news for signs of tiffy, to actively look at each persons output and work out if they have won a tiffy this week would take forever :(

So if you have one be sure to show it off people :)

:eek:Wedding bells at Camp Edge! uh oh i've seen many a cruncher vanish once the ring goes on, can you get it written into a pre nup or something, we don't wanna lose a single soul!! :)
20,000,000 not a feeling like it Mr Reaver you ought to give yourself a pat on the back.
No you absolutely cannot stop now 'ere ang about that means i have to watch my back an all :eek::D Its all good congrats sah!!!
Groan....going to have to do some shifting overnight and have stuff ready for the post in the morning, expect my output to drop quickly :(
On the plus side am knocking up "buisness like" cards and going to make a point of giving one to every one i know got to be good for a few punters at least :)

How would you attract someone to seti on a buisness card? Keep it clean Mr Marine i know how your imagination runs riot during the night. :D
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