Settle a dispute?

The computer can only calculate what has been told.

Half is represented as 1/2

You just put in 1/2 into the equation, as it is presented.
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whilst on this silly maths argument, i hope it isnt derailing but i dont want to start a thread on another silly maths argument.

but apparently....

if there are 3 cups, one is full of gold and i have to pick one.... there is a 1 in 3 chance i get the gold.

i choose a cup.

then someone comes and removes one of the other cups and says, that cup did not have the gold, thus leaving 2 cups.

i am then given the choice, do i want to keep your cup or swap with the one on the table still.

I am told, with absolute certainty that mathematically i should swap cups to have the best chance of winning.. however i cannot get the reasoning why straight in my head.
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The answer to the question worded the deliberately unusual way is 430, but 130 the way the vast majority of people would hear it if said in natural conversation. Of course, this excludes people who would say "LOL DO U ACKSHULLLLLY MEAN DIVIDE BY 0.5 BWAHAHAHAH SIMPLETON" to someone that says divide by half.
whilst on this silly maths argument, i hope it isnt derailing but i dont want to start a thread on another silly maths argument.

but apparently....

its there are 3 cups, one is full of gold and i have to pick one.... there is a 1 in 3 chance i get the gold.

you choose a cup.

then someone comes and removes one of the other cups and says, that cup did not have the gold, thus leaving 2 cups.

you are then given the choice, do you want to keep your cup or swap with the one on the table still.

I am told, with absolute certainty that mathematically you should swap cups to have the best chance of winning.. however i cannot get the reasoning why straight in my head.

You swap, because you increase your probability from 1/3rd to 1/2 now.

When you first picked a cup, it was 1/3rd.

But if you pick again, it is now 50/50. If you stick with the original decision, you stick with the original probability.
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whilst on this silly maths argument, i hope it isnt derailing but i dont want to start a thread on another silly maths argument.

but apparently....

if there are 3 cups, one is full of gold and i have to pick one.... there is a 1 in 3 chance i get the gold.

i choose a cup.

then someone comes and removes one of the other cups and says, that cup did not have the gold, thus leaving 2 cups.

i am then given the choice, do i want to keep your cup or swap with the one on the table still.

I am told, with absolute certainty that mathematically i should swap cups to have the best chance of winning.. however i cannot get the reasoning why straight in my head.
It's because the cup removed always isn't the gold one, which means the odds are changed. It doesn't increase your odds of having picked it initially, but your initial odds were 1 in 3 and now your odds are 1 in 2.
You swap, because you increase your probability from 1/3rd to 1/2 now.

When you first picked a cup, it was 1/3rd.

But if you pick again, it is now 50/50. If you stick with the original decision, you stick with the original probability.
which i know is the correct answer. but practically it does not grok somehow with me.... maybe i need to get some cups and practical it out

edit... actually i think the penny has finally dropped!. :) thanks.
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Who knew Raymond Lin was so passionate about grammatical mathematics.
It would help if he was right, but he isn't, and he mixes up his own grammar as well. He will happily read 'divide by half' and assume that means divide by 0.5, but will also ensure the use of qualifiers for other fractions eg 'a' third or 'a' quarter.

I'll say it again.

Divide by half is not valid as a sentence. It doesn't mean divide in half, and it doesn't mean divide by 0.5.
The computer can only calculate what has been told.

Half is represented as 1/2

You just put in 1/2 into the equation, as it is presented.
Half can be represented as 100/200 too. Not sure your point lol. Other than some unwritten rule where half is 0.5. Unless you are thinking of percentages in which case windows calculator 200 / 50% = 4.
The answer to the question worded the deliberately unusual way is 430, but 130 the way the vast majority of people would hear it if said in natural conversation
in my case i genuinely saw only 430... indeed when i 1st read the OP i was struggling to think of what other answer it could be!.... Though i also concluded it was written incorrectly so there is that i guess.... but i do not believe anyone is stupid regardless of their answer.

using a double negative as a negative however................................
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Thread of the year right here.
the thread actually sums up (excuse the pun) GD quite well. you've got an op that is open to interpretation but then you've got a couple of folk who just won't accept that and will argue now for days that their position is correct and any one disagreeing with them is stupid.
So what Alan Freeman said his famous catch phrase "Not Half!" He was actually saying "False!", since the arithmetic operator NOT can only used in logic equations, for what 0.5 would not be a valid number, and would give the value "FALSE" by default. So basically, whatever song he had just played and he said "Not half!", he was rudely passing judgement every time.
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