sexual emergency

I had a sexual emergency today!!! :eek:

Its was terrible, trying to control my emotions and feelings. :(

The Cat is getting declawed tomorrow! :mad: :D
Yup. More rapey immigrants! It's almost like there's a trend eh?

Well if you consider crime will happen, however it unjustifiable - in this case the guy is a sexual predator, child abuser, criminal and not a desirable potential member of society.

I believe he probably thinks jail is more preferable to the immigrant camp or being sent back to Syria. There's no way that he should be part of society.
Well if you consider crime will happen, however it unjustifiable - in this case the guy is a sexual predator, child abuser, criminal and not a desirable potential member of society.

I believe he probably thinks jail is more preferable to the immigrant camp or being sent back to Syria. There's no way that he should be part of society.

Maybe he's got mental health issues. It's hardly the perfect crime to rape a kid in a public place then carry on as normal.

Generally speaking if 100% proven guilty then death penalty should apply.
Another thing people aren't realising here is that any unattended and unaccompanied child is at serious risk of these things.

Who in their right mind allows their 10 year old alone anywhere. I wouldn't let my nephew go for a wee in a public toilet unaccompanied.

Imagine the plight of the poor kid when the only person you can seek help from after getting brutally raped is a random life-guard?

This story horrifies me the more I think about it, and also makes less sense.
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I don't think that'd a valid excuse some how

What is it with people labelling things as excuses? What sort of twisted person assumes a failure in child safeguarding is an excuse for rape? :confused:

There is never an excuse for rape. The fact that you seem to be in the business of labelling things a valid/invalid excuses for rape leads me to believe you are aware of some valid excuses for rape?

There is no excuse for raping anyone but ffs peados are everywhere. This is why they have child safeguarding measures. Why they tell children not to take sweets from strangers, not to get in strangers cars, etc.

If I let my 9 year old nephew go to swimming alone and ANYTHING happened to him I would expect to be responsible because I am supposed to be his guardian.
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Sorry Asim18, I will never ever be able to take you serious with the rubbish you come out with. Don't know why you try it on within these forums when you will forever be known as the Mac10 kid.

Your advice for being bullied was to become a little ***** for the bullies themselves and become a criminal for a short while (just so you could get through school care free apparently)

No sorry, you talk complete **** everyone should do the opposite of what you say.
No sorry, you talk complete **** everyone should do the opposite of what you say.

Excellent, so you want more kids to go to swimming baths and other places unattended?
So you want child safeguarding measures to be scrapped?
So you want children to use adult public toilets alone?

Tell us more. You have got me interested in you now.

Your advice for being bullied was to become a little ***** for the bullies themselves and become a criminal for a short while (just so you could get through school care free apparently)
Erm. Well I did get through school care free, with my psychological insight and coercing an army of bullies to be on my side I was untouchable.

You had a tough life at school I presume? Due to the fact your clearly conscious about the care free life I had at school?
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Excellent, so you want more kids to go to swimming baths and other places unattended?
You want child safeguarding measures to be scrapped?

Tell us more. I am very interested in you now.

No, unfortunately it was some small Austrian town that was probably bliss and safe before the country started dumping immigrants with no known background into their past into the area.

Allowing a culture that doesn't mix very well with western standards and seeing how the experiment plays out at the expense of the locals.

Opportunity struck and the kid paid the ultimate price.
Excellent, so you want more kids to go to swimming baths and other places unattended?
You want child safeguarding measures to be scrapped?

Tell us more. You have got me interested in you now.

Erm. Well I did get through school care free, with my psychological insight and coercing an army of bullies to be on my side I was untouchable.

You had a tough life at school I presume? Due to the fact your clearly conscious about the care free life I had at school?

No, I can never trust a word you say when you lied about really young kids being able to get hold of a Mac10 in 3 minutes with intent to use it if you wouldn't comply etc. So I take the rubbish you spout with much skepticism. I am sorry.

Eh? 2 seconds ago you recommended that everybody does exactly the opposite of what I say.

I stated the following everyday points:

children should not be unaccompanied.
children should not use public toilets unaccompanied.
children shouldn't take sweets from strangers.
children shouldn't get in stranger's cars.

Then you burst into this thread and explicitly stated that everybody should do the opposite. And started a sidetrack winge about my excellent school life.

You're weird.
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