sexual emergency

There are over 15 million children in the UK, that suggests 750,000 have been sexually abused.

Year ending June 2015 there was 330,000 net migration into the UK. Much less than your estimate I may add.

My argument is we should be concerned about child abuse in the UK irrestpective of whether immigration takes place.

Immigration has occurred since time began.

That's because I said Europe and not just the "UK"

I think controlled migration is completely fine and will most likely benefit the UK. What we are talking about here is immigrants passing through multiple borders without proper checks. Sometimes with no papers/passport/i.d so very difficult to identify them and impossible to know anything about their background (criminal past?)

Do we need to put additional strain on our Police, NHS, Schools, housing? In my opinion, no we do not.

Does the UK need to do more for the genuine Syrian refugees stuck in terrible conditions in Turkey/Jordan. Damn right we do. Bring in families/women and children and help them best we can.

Don't think for one second that I think every immigrant is a dirty pedo/rapist/murderer. It's completely crazy to just open the borders and let everyone into Europe.
My point is our society should be concerned about child abuse in the UK irrespective of whether or not immigration takes place. I rest my case.
My point is our society should be concerned about child abuse in the UK irrespective of whether or not immigration takes place. I rest my case.

Of course.

At the same time we don't want to be brining in a disproportionate number of fighting age males from NA and the ME.

According to official counts, a disproportionate number of these migrants are young, unmarried, unaccompanied males.

This is widely reported, and has serious implications.
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1 in 20 children in the UK have been sexually abused Dowie so therefore include our culture on our home turf as also desperately wrong diddly wrong wrong.

you're talking about widely different things here

no one is denying that abuse exists here

but importing people, who are disproportionately unaccompanied males, from regions where women are treated differently and in some cases the widespread abuse of young boys is semi tolerated is rather different and just increases the risks in our own society

we don't have anything to compare to some of these areas of Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.. and the paedophile culture there
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Look at it this way you run a small walled town.

You have 1,000 villagers in your town 5 of them sre criminals, you do your best to control /catch them.

One day 20 poor starving people turn up at your door asking for help 5 of them are criminals too, but you cant tell which.

Do you let in the 20 people and take the risk.
Look at it this way you run a small walled town.

You have 1,000 villagers in your town 5 of them sre criminals, you do your best to control /catch them.

One day 20 poor starving people turn up at your door asking for help 5 of them are criminals too, but you cant tell which.

Do you let in the 20 people and take the risk.

The thing some people don't realise about the 15 of them who aren't criminals is that they are still going to be inclined toward criminality due to the sociality of the situation. So even the 15 who aren't criminals already, there's a large chance that another 5 will become criminals afterwards, so you will actually end up with 10 criminals.

So there's an even bigger potential risk than initially calculated.
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I wonder why some posters are ignoring the point that the rapist admitted he knew it was wrong? There's a massive difference between thinking raping a boy is normal and acting normal after carrying it out. There's no mention that it's normal or acceptable in Iraq and yet a few people are going on like it is.

If the only way to get your point across is to alter the facts then, well what can I say.

Interesting how the various sites covering this all pretty much use the same wording, some conflating migrant and refugee (because they're the same (!)) and others like Pam Geller adding 'Muslim' before migrant.
Wow daily fail has managed to get 273 (274 posts) including mine.

Do they have a section of journalists that look for non EU criminal activity to report on?

It's such a dire paper yet read (and believed) by many.

The poor boy I hope the guy receives a severe punishment however he does sound mentally retarded.
The poor young lad was the son of refugees from Serbia, what a terrible deed done in such a callous manner, I wish we hadn't broke North Africa and Arabia now, seemed like such a good idea at the time but now we're being flooded by refugees:confused:
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The poor young lad was the son of refugees from Serbia, what a terrible deed done in such a callous manner, I wish we hadn't broke North Africa and Arabia now, seemed like such a good idea at the time but now we're being flooded by refugees:confused:

Whilst the situation in the ME is no doubt partly our fault, North Africa has had decades since the end of colonisation, and it's about time we stopped collectively feeling guilty about them.

Not only have many of these countries gone steadily downhill after we left, but we've also been pumping billions into the region to help them out.

NA suffers from widespread corruption at all levels, and a complete apathy from many of their "leaders" to make things better. Sorry, but NA doesn't get any sympathy from me, at all. I'm sure in another 100 years we'll still be blaming the West for their predicament.
The rapist in the OP, it would appear, arrived in Austria, leaving his family behind in Iraq, last September, to work in Austria as a taxi driver. There is nothing in that capture which screams refugee to me.
The point stands, if he wasn't there, the child wouldn't be crying himself to sleep each night now.

I truely think we need to have a very long hard look at the migration into Europe, and determine just what constitutes a refugee. Then we need to segregate the masses, take the legitimate, and ship the remainder back across a European border. Preferably by establishing safe zones with associated UN camps to return them to.

But the rapist here didn't say he was a refugee, the only reason that word has been thrown into the discussion is because of the current refugee crisis and the crimes some have committed in host countries. Had this been before the crisis then reporting would have focused purely on migrants. I've not even seen one report that says he is Muslim but some sites are focusing on Muslim rapists coming here as refugees.
I've just seen this being reported on RT News. Apparently the perpetrator of this crime had arrived from Iraq in September, and had been working as a taxi driver in Vienna. He has a wife and son back home.

What doesn't add up to me is that if we was genuinely fleeing violence or danger, why did he leave his wife and son behind? Surely he'd have taken them both with him and found refuge in the next safe country?
I've just seen this being reported on RT News. Apparently the perpetrator of this crime had arrived from Iraq in September, and had been working as a taxi driver in Vienna. He has a wife and son back home.

What doesn't add up to me is that if we was genuinely fleeing violence or danger, why did he leave his wife and son behind? Surely he'd have taken them both with him and found refuge in the next safe country?

He's not an asylum seeker is he, what has fleeing danger got to do with it?

Everything I've seen suggests he's just a regular economic migrant.
He's not an asylum seeker is he, what has fleeing danger got to do with it?

Everything I've seen suggests he's just a regular economic migrant.

I saw this covered in the news again this morning. He's definitely described as a refugee.

Why else was Austria allowing him to settle and work there? He was working as a taxi driver, not exactly a specialist job. I highly doubt that Austria have a skills shortage when it comes to taxi drivers....
take a wild guess...


Don't. Certain people are trying to spin this as a muslim bashing thread, in order to discredit it.

Nobody even mentioned islam in this thread before someone tried to play the muslim persecution card.

This is about an immigrant/refugee child rapist, who came from a place where apparently child rape isn't a big deal.
Indeed, I doubt he has managed to get in under economic migrate rules.
He's landed up, played the refugee card, without actually being one.
then he's went into rapey mode, and a child cries himself to sleep each night now because of it.
I saw this covered in the news again this morning. He's definitely described as a refugee.

Why else was Austria allowing him to settle and work there? He was working as a taxi driver, not exactly a specialist job. I highly doubt that Austria have a skills shortage when it comes to taxi drivers....

I can see RT reporting it as a refugee now but nowhere else that i've looked, which is odd.
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