sexual emergency

you do realise he was actually on your side there, right?

and arguing against the "neo-nazi propaganda" as you put it.

my bad - thought he was being sarcastic :D

Point still stands though - it seems that a lot of this anti-immigration stuff (some of which blatant lies) is being peddled by a small number of European fascist groups to further their own agendas. Don't do that please. Gilly.

I'd never heard of this PEGIDA group before - seems like they are coming to the UK lead by the glorious ex-EDL leader:
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Point still stands though

it doesnt though.

your point was theres "bad people in all walks of life immigrant or not".

correct, but we cant really do much about the bad people born in the country, but we can easily stop a bunch of clearly not very compatible people from entering and having to deal with those problems.

if 500,000 Americans all turned up as refugees in europe demanding they be let into the uk and wanting to keep their guns, they'd be just as unwelcome.

deal with our own issues before we import more.

I'd never heard of this PEGIDA group before - seems like they are coming to the UK lead by the glorious ex-EDL leader:

yet you blame them for "a lot" of the bad press?

they're a tiny group no one has heard of and are about as important as the local parish news paper when it comes to the media.

as a scapegoat for the issue they're a ****** one to choose.
They are not a scapegoat bud, I'm pointing out how certain fascist groups are spreading lies and over-exaggerating the bad apples amongst those who have a right to be helped (after all, we are bombing their countries are we not?)

The media are no better in all honesty - sensationalist headlines only help to create more animosity between the general public and the people we should be rightly helping. Our politicians just use it to play whatever they want:

Here is what no one wants to say: This is, in essence, a security crisis. For years now, Europeans have chosen to pretend that wars taking place in Syria and Libya were somebody else’s problem. It’s also a foreign policy crisis: At different times and for different reasons, all of the large European states — Britain, France, Italy, Germany — have blocked attempts to create a common foreign and defense policy, and as a result they have no diplomatic or political clout.

Anyways - i'm digressing here, I agree with you though - Better vetting is required to try and weed out the bad un's - it's just accepting that not all apples are bad though unlike what some peeps try to make out, and that we have a duty of care towards our fellow human beings.
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Anyways - i'm digressing here, I agree with you though - Better vetting is required to try and weed out the bad un's - it's just accepting that not all apples are bad though unlike what some peeps try to make out, and that we have a duty of care towards our fellow human beings.

You can't vet someone who has no passport, no identity, no history, no background. Just arrives in a dinghy claiming asylum. Heck, you can't even comment on how they are disproportionately young, fighting age males who have left their wives, mothers and children to fend for themselves... unless your a BNP, EDL, Neo Nazi racist, that is.

No, because somehow everybody is in need of our protection. You can be a "Syrian Refugee" from Egypt, Pakistan, Palestine, Iraq... all you have to do is burn your passport. You can even be a 14 year old in a 35 year old's body. With grey hair and a beard.

The crap thing is you can't even send a convicted immigrant rapist back to their point of origin. Because human rights (and no passports).

The Syrian situation is being used as justification for a completely failing system of asylum and immigration. With no possible checks and balances, and a chorus of PC cheerleaders who seemingly couldn't care less about the consequences of an open-door immigration free-for-all.
The actual number of crimes in Germany committed by migrants in 2015 may exceed 400,000.

Interesting source. Worth reading Wiki to understand what their bias is...


If the report refers only to recently arrived migrants -- Germany received just over one million migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East in 2015 -- this would imply that at least 20% of the migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015 are criminals. But if the number of crimes committed by migrants is actually twice as high as the report states, then at least 40% of newly arrived migrants are criminals. Yet the report asserts: "The vast majority of asylum seekers are not involved in criminal activity."

Major maths fail... Because criminals only ever commit one crime each?

There article doesn't put anything into context as well, or how many crimes a year in Germany?

It does however pick tout a major issue with the stats, there is no mention of North Africans, which comit the majority of the crimes in other reports. Why are they missing? Is there another source for this so called data they are using?
I note that the article doesn't seem to do any comparison between the crime rate as committed by immigrants vs other groups...

Which might make it more handy, as depending on which crimes you are counting a lot of those 400k could be relatively minor (for example does it include motoring offences such as speeding).

Without knowing the rate vs the "native" population it's hard to tell if it's terrible, bad, average, better than average or good in comparison (I think I've seen similar headline figures in the past from other sites that actually took into account such things as minor motoring offences like speeding, but only referenced serious crimes in the article).

By "interesting" do you mean laughable, did you even read it?
Please stick the Guardian in future.

Doing something in front of a camera tends to be bravado, and if the Independant's muslim journalist wasn't quite so keen on pushing her usual blame shifting agenda, then she would have mentioned that the teenager handed himself in a week before her little pro immigration propaganda piece.
I honestly think they print tripe like this to get a rise.
Trust you to discount something simply because a muslim wrote it :rolleyes:

Nabila Ramdani is a Paris-born freelance journalist and academic of Algerian descent. She specialises in Anglo-French issues, Islamic affairs, and the Arab World. Nabila is a winner of the 2013 International Media Awards Cutting Edge Prize. She was named a Young Global Leader 2012 by the World Economic Forum and won the inaugural European Muslim Woman of Influence Award in 2010. She has been named by DNA (Decide Now Act) as one of the 101 most innovative individuals in the world for social good.
Trust you to discount something simply because a muslim wrote it :rolleyes:

It's funny, because we're supposed to discount everything Breitbart and other sources say, because they're (somewhat obviously) biased.

But sources that agree with you cannot have any bias. They are just factual :p

I personally don't take the Daily Mail or Breitbart as unbiased, btw. But I think you'll find most (if not all) sources have some inherent bias.

It's the pretence that we're dealing with a choice between factual, unbiased reporting (pro immigration) and twisted, agenda driven biased sources (anti immigration) that is used to try to shut down debate, and it gets old.

No different really to screaming "racist" when people hear something they don't like.

Every single time an immigrant crime has been reported (and linked here), the usual suspects have rushed to smear the source. To claim anti-muslim agenda is behind all reports of immigrant crimes. That it's all made up. Heck, even videos are apparently staged; it's all an anti-muslim conspiracy.

When in fact this thread had no reference to islam before the apologists made it about islam.
Interesting POV from the Independant:

Along with stuff like the PEGIDA group peddling blatant lies through europe, I think people really need to get a grip, there are bad people in ALL walks of life (look at our own politicians and TV stars as an example! - does a month pass by without hearing about a new child abuse case?). Immigrant or not, this sort of behaviour is intolerable.

And it is the usual blurb again from you and your like.

So as you and others keep posting we have our own problems to deal with, as in western whities being a bit rapey, so your saying it is fine then to let more in from the middle east, how does that work in your defence?

You keep counter arguing by posting news stories about white rapists etc, how does that make things any better, it doesn't one bit.

It's fine to let rapists in everyone, cos we already got some :rolleyes:
Friend of mine in the US army said this about this horrid story and I'm not sure if he was joking or not XD

"Sexual emergency ? well guess a lot of us patriots are going to get sudden emergencies to unload our weapons into those with sexual emergencies".
While many artists in the German Rap scene show hostility towards German culture and Germans in general, this music video by the Migrant boxing gang "Osmanen Germania" (freely translated Ottoman German Empire) released last year takes the absurdity to another level. It combines elements of biker-culture and German folk elements with Muslim faith and the self-proclaimed goal of a hostile takeover of the entire country - all while being proud to claim some traditional German culture as their own as a trophy.

In the video, the lead rapper claims Germans are weak and know nothing about brotherhood, while (as Allah is willing) Muslims will take over the country. He claims they are stronger, know how to fight, are ready to die in battle in a martyrs death and will "rob the last shirt" of Germans.

It may be cringeworthy, but it shows you the sentiment of these subcultures - any native German group releasing lyrics like this would certainly face imprisonment for hate speech.
While many artists in the German Rap scene show hostility towards German culture and Germans in general, this music video by the Migrant boxing gang "Osmanen Germania" (freely translated Ottoman German Empire) released last year takes the absurdity to another level. It combines elements of biker-culture and German folk elements with Muslim faith and the self-proclaimed goal of a hostile takeover of the entire country - all while being proud to claim some traditional German culture as their own as a trophy.

In the video, the lead rapper claims Germans are weak and know nothing about brotherhood, while (as Allah is willing) Muslims will take over the country. He claims they are stronger, know how to fight, are ready to die in battle in a martyrs death and will "rob the last shirt" of Germans.

It may be cringeworthy, but it shows you the sentiment of these subcultures - any native German group releasing lyrics like this would certainly face imprisonment for hate speech.

Having just come back from Berlin I can honestly see Germany being turned into an islamic state within the next decade or so as for some reason the native German people have an immense level of hate for their own country, Culture and people, It's bordering on a national sickness, I'm half German but thankfully this mental illness passed me by.

Even people I grew up alongside have said - "It is good that our people and culture are disappearing" and they have said that with smiles on their faces.

Mentally disturbed is putting it lightly.
Having just come back from Berlin I can honestly see Germany being turned into an islamic state within the next decade.

Wow, has it become very multicultural since the migrant crisis and have they really made that much of an impact? I was last there during late 2013 and I saw very few people of non-European heritage, bar some Roma beggars.

Having spent time in various parts of Germany and Austria, I found the large cities I visited to be completely different to ours. It was a much welcomed break from muti-cultural Britain.

It'll be a shame if this has been lost :(
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