Shaking hands with women

The old ten ton crusher handshake is a very efficient way of rooting out the distasteful tools during social engagements, I find. Why some people are incapable of accomplishing what is a rather easy manoeuvre is beyond me.
The old ten ton crusher handshake is a very efficient way of rooting out the distasteful tools during social engagements, I find. Why some people are incapable of accomplishing what is a rather easy manoeuvre is beyond me.

yea anyone who crushes your hand or attempts to is a prat with egotistical issues.

always seems to be the ones who wouldn't do anything if you got into a fight on a night out as well :rolleyes:

pretending they are big men inside hiding behind a handshake is pathetic.

if you want to determine the natural order then lets go outside and duke it out like real men non of this pansy hand shaking rubbish
yea anyone who crushes your hand or attempts to is a prat with egotistical issues.

always seems to be the ones who wouldn't do anything if you got into a fight on a night out as well :rolleyes:

pretending they are big men inside hiding behind a handshake is pathetic.

if you want to determine the natural order then lets go outside and duke it out like real men non of this pansy hand shaking rubbish

It is seriously sad.
In a professional environment a handshake is perfectly normal, just a firm but not tight. Outside of work it's all about the kissing. :)
Handshakes are a pretty masculine concept, women I find don't embrace the idea of it fully by presenting a firm hand/grip for fear of being seen as too manly, but the limp grip/hand is so much worse in comparison to the point you may as well not bother.
I've never had a problem with it really, they've always been pretty normal handshakes but with less chance of them trying to be the big man and crush your hand.
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