Nazis?Most women I've encountered for some bizarre reason hold four fingers out horizontal and facing down instead of vertical and facing me. I end up just having to grab their fingers like a sheet of paper.
Nazis?Most women I've encountered for some bizarre reason hold four fingers out horizontal and facing down instead of vertical and facing me. I end up just having to grab their fingers like a sheet of paper.
The old ten ton crusher handshake is a very efficient way of rooting out the distasteful tools during social engagements, I find. Why some people are incapable of accomplishing what is a rather easy manoeuvre is beyond me.
I've managed to knock out a few
yea anyone who crushes your hand or attempts to is a prat with egotistical issues.
always seems to be the ones who wouldn't do anything if you got into a fight on a night out as well
pretending they are big men inside hiding behind a handshake is pathetic.
if you want to determine the natural order then lets go outside and duke it out like real men non of this pansy hand shaking rubbish
No, a firm handshake shows your alpha. Crush her hand with your manly awesomeness, she'll be inspired by it. Maybe.There's middle ground between death grip and wet fish, surely?
Brofist is universal, right?
More hygienic too.
Religion of peace?
I hate shaking women's hands its like shaking a wet fish. Generally I look em straight in the eye and give them a good hard squeeze. They want equal rights give them hand shake you would give a man.
I hate shaking women's hands its like shaking a wet fish. Generally I look em straight in the eye and give them a good hard squeeze. They want equal rights give them hand shake you would give a man.
Just slap them on the bum. It's the way god intended.