Shaking hands with women

I hate shaking women's hands its like shaking a wet fish. Generally I look em straight in the eye and give them a good hard squeeze. They want equal rights give them hand shake you would give a man.

I'm not sure if giving women's eyeballs a good hard squeeze is a good opener. :eek:
I just shake their hand as i would a man. I'm not going to treat women differently to men. :confused:

Same firmness, same eye contact, same smile and all that sort of thing.
There is only one way to greet a woman, in or out of a professional environment.

Give a quick grace period and work out what their doing...

I was taught how to shake hands by a salesman so surprised quite a few family friends with hand shakes :p
I'd not be so confident these are the origins of the handshake, and anyway it has no relevance to modern customs.

I never said it did. I even went as far as calling it meaningless.

Do you have any alternative explanations for the origin of the custom of shaking hands? I'm always interested in the orgins of customs (and words and phrases).

EDIT: Or were you saying that handshakes today have a different origin to handshakes in the past?
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It's not uncommon at work, but when it happens in a social occasion I'll probably make a goofy joke out of how formal it is.
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