Shave my balls, bigot!

29 Jan 2008
This is nuts, literally! A trans woman in Canada has decided to target female small business owners (mostly immigrant women who work from their homes) and demanded that they, essentially, shave her balls.


A B.C. Human Rights Tribunal hearing over Brazilian waxes devolved into chaos this week punctuated by a slew of bizarre accusations from a transgender woman.

Jessica Yaniv, the complainant, argued she was entitled to receive the advertised wax service and that if the tribunal ruled against her it could lead to a “dangerous” precedent.

Yaniv’s claim emerged after she was denied a Brazilian wax of her male genitalia at a home salon in Vancouver.

At one point, Yaniv compared the business owner — a female immigrant of colour — to a neo-Nazi.

The lawyer for the business owner accused the complainant of engaging in “half-truths and fabrications.”

Tribunal adjudicator Devyn Cousineau frequently had to interject to maintain decorum and to keep the hearing from becoming even more chaotic.

But a substantive question remained at the core of the raucous daylong hearing: should a business be allowed to deny service on the basis of gender identity?

“You cannot choose who your clientele is going to be,” Yaniv said.

However, business owner Marcia Da Silva said she was not comfortable carrying out a Brazilian wax on a person with male genitalia, nor did she have the training for it.

This seems rather different to say not letting a gay couple stay in your B&B on religious grounds or not selling a cake to a gay person etc... some issues of consent whether religious (one defendant is a Sikh woman who has cited her religion) or just personal preference must come into play too in addition to the quite sensible objection that they're not trained or equipped to treat male genitalia (which apparently require different products etc...etc..). Apparently evidence has been presented from someone who does treat (biological) males that they frequently get aroused during these procedures - so this rather strange individual wants to go into a woman's home, (some of the defendants have small children etc..) get them to touch her male genitals, possible get aroused... or else shut down their business for "discrimination".

Hopefully common sense will prevail but if the view is taken that only gender identity rather than biological sex matters here, trans women are women and so must be provided with the same services as all women etc... then this could result in a silly ruling.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Should businesses have to provide equal/equivalent services to both women and trans women regardless of context?
Seeing as you found the article you should shave her Canadian balls Dowie. Perhaps a civil partnership and a evening buffet in Swanage . Good luck honey.
It's a ballsy law suit

The worst part is, he's already succeeded in putting an innocent woman out of business, and he's lined up a few more for the same treatment. This man is a serial harasser, and the court should dismiss his lawsuits as frivolous.
If the salon doesn't typically offer ball waxing... if that's the technical term :p... then I really don't see the problem...

Oh actually, I do see the problem now... It's about 220lbs, wears a dress and has hairy balls... :p
This **** doesn’t surprise me anymore. What a pile of **** western society is devolving into.

I've gotta say it doesn't surprise me much anymore either!

These people need to stop trying to assume everyone is anti-whatever and cornering those especially in business into something discriminatory.

Frankly this sentence...

However, business owner Marcia Da Silva said she was not comfortable carrying out a Brazilian wax on a person with male genitalia, nor did she have the training for it.

Should have been enough to throw the case out of court. Had this woman been coerced into performing the procedure on male genitalia and it had gone wrong, she'd have been looking at a far worse outcome.
Disappointed that not once has anyone in the article or since referred to the individuals nut sack as their 'coin purse'.
It'll be a close shave for the business owner if she gets out of this one with her business intact. We can only hope she isn't given the shaft by the courts. Scrotum.
Shows people like Jordan Peterson were exactly right to resist state compelled recognition of a person's gender self ID in Canada.

People get called 'alt right' and bigots when they suggest that destroying the meaningful sex based separation of male and female will cause serious issues (and mostly for actual women which the so called progressive claim to promote and in this case poor women 'of colour')

Welcome to clown world where a white heterosexual male.....
(Yaniv is one of thoose people who simultaneously claims to be trans and gay conviently leaving them sexually attracted to women whilst still retaining their male genetalia).....
Who likes taking selfies in the female toilets, talking about female sanitary products and want a topless over 12's pool party (no parents allowed)

Can use the law to act in an abusive manner against poor, immigrant, women and large swathes of the progressives don't really have a lot to say about it because they know the whole facade of trans self ID collapses if they do!
interesting that a while back (not sure when) Yaniv supposedly posted this...(i say supposedly as i haven't fact checked to confirm)
The litigant in this case, while posting under his masculine name, Jonathan Yaniv, put up this: “We have a lot of immigrants here who gawk, judge and aren’t the cleanest of people, they’re also verbally and physically abusive, that’s one reason I joined a girl’s gym, cause I DON’T want issues with these people … They lie about ****, they’ll do anything to support their own kind and make things miserable for everyone else.”

and now he seems to be targeting predominantly foreign female waxers. seems legit.
Anyway, what do you guys think? Should businesses have to provide equal/equivalent services to both women and trans women regardless of context?

No, context is always important.

Without doing any Googling, it sounds like this person is going out of their way to find small businesses to further their own agenda. That's not fair on the small business.

Going around someone's house and expecting them to shave your balls is massively different from the gay cake argument from a few years back.
No, context is always important.

Without doing any Googling, it sounds like this person is going out of their way to find small businesses to further their own agenda. That's not fair on the small business.

Going around someone's house and expecting them to shave your balls is massively different from the gay cake argument from a few years back.

This was what I was about to say.

Going to a salon ill equipped for male genital grooming then kicking up a fuss about it being gender related. She is trying to compare biology to a social construct, which is totally unfair.

The cake thing is purely social constructs, as baking a cake for a human being requires no additional skill. Only changes would be for dietary requirement, which again is never argued because its not part of a social construct.
No, context is always important.

Without doing any Googling, it sounds like this person is going out of their way to find small businesses to further their own agenda. That's not fair on the small business.

Going around someone's house and expecting them to shave your balls is massively different from the gay cake argument from a few years back.

Problem is Vince we can talk about the context but that isn't how the law works.

The law has to make rather more universal proscriprions.

So you have to consider what you are potentially compelling people to do when you enact a law.

A bakery should not be prosecuted for not wanting to provide a personalised cake saying "support gay marriage" (they should if they refuse to sell an 'off the shelf' item to a gay person on the basis of their sexuality) and a poor, immigrant, female body part waxer should not be compelled to handle male genetalia or shut up shop because a bunch of 'progressive' ***holes didn't listen when people warned of the consequences of ensrining gender identity as a protected characteristic under law either.
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