Shave my balls, bigot!

I just had a thought maybe there is something wrong with these types of people, it's not the fact that they are trans or changing. It might be some sort of obsession/disease. Not sure what category it would come down to possibly mental illness.

Maybe they are using trans as a get out clause to make it ok.
I just had a thought maybe there is something wrong with these types of people, it's not the fact that they are trans or changing. It might be some sort of obsession/disease. Not sure what category it would come down to possibly mental illness.

Maybe they are using trans as a get out clause to make it ok.
sexual deviant is the term you're looking for, at least where this wang waxer is concerned.
This is nuts, literally! A trans woman in Canada has decided to target female small business owners (mostly immigrant women who work from their homes) and demanded that they, essentially, shave her balls.

This seems rather different to say not letting a gay couple stay in your B&B on religious grounds or not selling a cake to a gay person etc... some issues of consent whether religious (one defendant is a Sikh woman who has cited her religion) or just personal preference must come into play too in addition to the quite sensible objection that they're not trained or equipped to treat male genitalia (which apparently require different products etc...etc..). Apparently evidence has been presented from someone who does treat (biological) males that they frequently get aroused during these procedures - so this rather strange individual wants to go into a woman's home, (some of the defendants have small children etc..) get them to touch her male genitals, possible get aroused... or else shut down their business for "discrimination".

Hopefully common sense will prevail but if the view is taken that only gender identity rather than biological sex matters here, trans women are women and so must be provided with the same services as all women etc... then this could result in a silly ruling.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Should businesses have to provide equal/equivalent services to both women and trans women regardless of context?

I saw a video on this yesterday evening and frankly I really wish I hadn’t watched it as this nonsense about waxing and targeting immigrant families in my opinion isn’t the big talking point concerning the behaviour of Ms Yaniv. There are screenshots of Facebook conversations of Ms Yaniv is having with other people concerning asking creepy questions about women’s hygiene products specifically around 10 to 12 year girls (‘Does the string show?’ is the sort of things she/he is asking).

Honestly I don’t easily get shocked but this really was the limit for me as I was nearly sick hearing about some of things they were talking about. He/She came across as some creepy paedophile and someone who needs to be immediately intuitionalised under the metal health act or whatever the Canadian efficient is.
This is the extent some of these people go to when it comes to periods.


Not a mental illness though!

That is pretty damn weird, bit more than just gender dysphoria but full on LARPing with regards to pointlessly inflicting some symptoms on themselves that plenty of biological women would rather reduce or avoid entirely.
I saw a video on this yesterday evening and frankly I really wish I hadn’t watched it as this nonsense about waxing and targeting immigrant families in my opinion isn’t the big talking point concerning the behaviour of Ms Yaniv. There are screenshots of Facebook conversations of Ms Yaniv is having with other people concerning asking creepy questions about women’s hygiene products specifically around 10 to 12 year girls (‘Does the string show?’ is the sort of things she/he is asking).

Honestly I don’t easily get shocked but this really was the limit for me as I was nearly sick hearing about some of things they were talking about. He/She came across as some creepy paedophile and someone who needs to be immediately intuitionalised under the metal health act or whatever the Canadian efficient is.

Yeah but that isn't the reason for the court case, unfortunately though this person is perhaps skirting close to a very dodgy area simply being a creep isn't particularly significant, sadly there are plenty of creeps out there. The case though has the potential to create some sort of precedent and put people wanting to operate these businesses into a very awkward position.
I don't think she should be able to demand this. Shaving male genitalia is clearly not a service they offer or have ever offered to any individual with male genitalia, therefore I don't see why her gender identity should compel the woman to shave her balls.

As has been said though, I don't think we need to go all in on how crazy all trans people are / the west is etc.

This person clearly has some serious mental issues beyond anything to do with his/her gender identification.
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I dunno I think it is relevant re: why the person feels emboldened enough to even start some deliberately engineered grievances. They're clearly leveraging the current victim status of being a Trans/LGBT person in the hope of succeeding in getting some pay outs (which they might well have done already out of court it seems).
They're clearly leveraging the current victim status of being a Trans/LGBT person in the hope of succeeding in getting some pay outs (which they might well have done already out of court it seems).

Which is very sad and simply takes advantage of the movement behind equality etc. Unfortunately there are some terrible people, like the one in question who do nothing but undermine the underlying good faith and intentions of others.
Which is very sad and simply takes advantage of the movement behind equality etc. Unfortunately there are some terrible people, like the one in question who do nothing but undermine the underlying good faith and intentions of others.

Equality! Lol
But the extents gone to by fat gamers with VR headsets and plastic F16 replica joysticks, steering wheels and pedals, to make them feel like F1 drivers and fighter jet pilots is totally different, ja? :p

Well done for probably making the most asinine comment yet in this thread.

Yes it is totally different.

I might own and use a vr headset, a steering wheel and a hotas stick to make the experience of playing some games somewhat more like the things they are simulating.

What I don't do is demand that other people actually accept my self identification as a rally driver or F16 pilot.... And if I did I would expect I would be ridiculed for doing so.
Well done for probably making the most asinine comment yet in this thread.

Yes it is totally different.

I might own and use a vr headset, a steering wheel and a hotas stick to make the experience of playing some games somewhat more like the things they are simulating.

What I don't do is demand that other people actually accept my self identification as a rally driver or F16 pilot.... And if I did I would expect I would be ridiculed for doing so.
Just LOL if you're not VRíng Lenin rallying a WRX STi on the back of an F16.

So - Shortened version of story

Some weirdy internet bottom dweller has decided to become a "transgender woman" (with no operation) so he can visit women, in their own homes and get his balls shaved. If/when they refuse he gets in to a huff and tries to make money from suing them. The women are predominately migrants, and he/she has previously shown Trump levels of racism towards migrants.

He also is trying to use this transgender status to perv on women.

Not massively dissimilar from this person really:

Unfortunately, he's not a internet bottom dweller. He's reasonably well connected in the IT industry.
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