This is nuts, literally! A trans woman in Canada has decided to target female small business owners (mostly immigrant women who work from their homes) and demanded that they, essentially, shave her balls.
This seems rather different to say not letting a gay couple stay in your B&B on religious grounds or not selling a cake to a gay person etc... some issues of consent whether religious (one defendant is a Sikh woman who has cited her religion) or just personal preference must come into play too in addition to the quite sensible objection that they're not trained or equipped to treat male genitalia (which apparently require different products etc...etc..). Apparently evidence has been presented from someone who does treat (biological) males that they frequently get aroused during these procedures - so this rather strange individual wants to go into a woman's home, (some of the defendants have small children etc..) get them to touch her male genitals, possible get aroused... or else shut down their business for "discrimination".
Hopefully common sense will prevail but if the view is taken that only gender identity rather than biological sex matters here, trans women are women and so must be provided with the same services as all women etc... then this could result in a silly ruling.
Anyway, what do you guys think? Should businesses have to provide equal/equivalent services to both women and trans women regardless of context?