Shaye87's *HCG Diet* Experience/Log, Pictures & Daily Updates

29 Apr 2006
Hey guys
I decided to start this diet after my cousin told me about it, he successfully lost over 30Kg with it, (in 2 'rounds').
I know this diet is NOT a replacement for eating healthy and/or doing sport, but as I see it, it's a great 'push' to start off with, at least for me after many failed attempts at losing weight.
For those of you not familiar with this diet: happy reading.

"hCG weight loss studies have shown that weight lost following the Simeons protocol comes directly from adipose fat tissue rather than lean muscle. In doing so, the weight lost comes directly from unhealthy fat and does not strip the body of much needed muscle, vitamins or minerals essential to maintain good health, while at the same time, releasing excessive amounts of fat-stored nutrients into the blood stream to be absorbed by the body. For this reason, hCG dieters report a feeling and appearance of great health and marvel at the loss of negative health risks they had as an overweight individual. "

I know some of you may be against it and some of you will support it but again I've had my time thinking and decided to go with it :)

I decided to share my experience during the whole process, I will make sure to update on a daily basis.

Some info about myself:

172 cm
Current weight: 89.3Kg (for those familiar with this diet, this is my weight in Phase2Day1, after the 'eating phase')

Pictures taken this morning.

Thanks! :cool:
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What is your target weight and how much weight are you planning to lose per month/week?
You honestly don't look like you need to do anything radical to shift the excess weight, nothing a controlled diet and some CV work wouldn't sort.
Hey guys
I decided to start this diet after my cousin told me about it, he successfully lost over 30Kg with it, (in 2 'rounds').

I've lost over 30KGs the right way, I fail to see why this is necessary.

I know this diet is NOT a replacement for eating healthy and/or doing sport, but as I see it, it's a great 'push' to start off with, at least for me after many failed attempts at losing weight.

No, it's not. Like most fad diets it's bad for your health and setting you up to regain it all. You failed at your previous attempts for one reason; lack of self control.

Obvously you're going to do it despite what people say on here though, so good luck I guess.
In doing so, the weight lost comes directly from unhealthy fat and does not strip the body of much needed muscle

Erm, what? So just the same as in a 'normal' diet then so long as you keep working out and get enough protein.

Lol at the idea of losing up to 3lbs a day and not losing muscle.
Sorry but this is mad. Injecting yourself everyday to lose weight? Sort your diet and exercise, it works better in the long run. This kind of treatment is for those that are SEVERELY obese and about to die, like stuck in thier house fat!
Cannot get on board with the idea of this being ok. Losing weight isn't hard, it's just that having some self discipline is a little uncomfortable in the beginning.

Also how much does this cost in comparison to monitoring your calories and going for a fun every couple of days?
Injecting yourself with placenta hormone LOLITY.

Like this isn't anything other than an April fool.
HCG is used be people coming off steroids to aid in their recovery (usually used during cycle or between cycle and pct). Some info:

"Its action in the male body is like that of LH, stimulating the Leydig cells in the testes to produce testosterone even in the absence of endogenous LH. HCG is therefore used during longer or heavier steroid cycles to maintain testicular size and condition, or to bring atrophied (shrunken) testicles back up to their original condition in preparation for post-cycle Clomid therapy. This process is necessary because atrophied testicles produce reduced levels of natural testosterone, this situation should be rectified prior to post-cycle Clomid therapy.

HCG administration post-cycle is common practice among bodybuilders in the belief that it will aid the natural testosterone recovery, but this theory is unfounded and also counterproductive. The rapid rise in both testosterone, and thus oestrogen due to aromatisation, from the administration of HCG causes further inhibition of the HPTA (Hypothalamic/Pituitary/Testicular Axis - feedback loop discussed above); this actually worsens the recovery situation. HCG does not restore the natural testosterone production.

So could possibly shut you down slightly, therfore you produce less test, therfore you will lose muscle. So the claims of that diet are rubbish.

Why not stop trying to find a quick fix, see a nutritionist. Go and speak to James Collier on Muscletalk and get a proper diet plan.
The problem with a diet rather than life style changes are that you will lose weight quicker but you will put it just on and quickly as you lost it. Believe me.

Stop excuses, junk food and doing **** all.
Start drinking water, creating meals from scratch and a hobby you love

The fad diets always get me. I mean there is no magic solution. The body is what it is, it only works one way, no magical diet is going to trump biology.
What is your target weight and how much weight are you planning to lose per month/week?
You honestly don't look like you need to do anything radical to shift the excess weight, nothing a controlled diet and some CV work wouldn't sort.

this diet is built in 'rounds', where you are not allowed to lose more than 15Kg or pass 40 days, need to stop once one of the above is reached... so I plan on having 1 successful round with hopefully 15Kg less, and continue from there with proper diet+exercise.

To all the others, I am not going to 'defend' this diet as you all might be right, or not, but this is not even the issue - I am very well aware that without doing things right (ie good diet + sports) all the weight will be back... as I said this is more of a push on the right direction for me.

Current weight: 87.5Kg
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You're not even that heavy :-/
I'm 85kg!!
Why would you possibly want to do this is beyond comprehension.

Just get off your not very fat ass and find a hobby that involves you putting a bit of effort into. Tennis, squash, cycling, mountain climbing.
Anything that gets you moving...
You've lost ~2kg in a day?

Are you weighing yourself at the same time every day? I think the best time is first thing in the morning.
HCG? wth, a spray lol?

Last time I checked hcg was pinned sub q.

I wouldn't waste your time lmao.
Brilliant! As has been said hCG is only bio available when injected for a start.
People using it in PCT from a steroid cycle don't magically strip fat away and eating a VLCD will give you the same sort of losses especially in the first week or so as all your water and glycogen drops off.
There is only one chemical that will allow weight loss anywhere near what this diet seems to claim which is DNP, a metabolic poison.
Jesus, do some hard work man. You'll feel so much better for it and it'll be much more of an accomplishment. A few years ago now I was 107Kg and obese, took me around a year of solid training and I lost over 30kg. I've since maintained that, and am pretty damn fit to boot.
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