Shaye87's *HCG Diet* Experience/Log, Pictures & Daily Updates

So....Is he AWOL still? I've been meaning to try this stuff out.

heh, gotta admit some of the comments made me lol ;)
anyway guys, I am on day 25, which means only 15 days left for the diet. current weight is 79.2 kg, and I feel just great thank you very much ;) the reason i didn't update this daily is due to the so many negative comments about this diet which i still think comes from lack of knowledge about this HCG hormone, but that's fine - i am the last to even bother defending it, I am trying it myself however.
i WILL keep updating even after the first phase is over, even if some of you are not interested... :P. and yes there's a proper diet you need to stick to after the 40 days phase is over, there's actually a full book on each part.

and i will post pics after the 40 days phase is over. to compare.
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i still think comes from lack of knowledge about this HCG hormone, but that's fine

From the people who came up with the diet you mean? ;)
Fair enough for trying it, but I still in no way believe that HCG administered in this fashion will have any effect on the body. Especially not when it comes to fat loss.
Still interested to see the results though.
The great thing is they will now have a repeat customer AND someone who goes around saying 'this works look at my results' thus making even more money from selling smelly water
Lack of knowledge??? Every single one of these 'magic pill' diets is preying on peoples ignorance/desperation. You have so many in this thread that have tonnes of knowledge on exactly how the body works with regards to weight loss/gain, so it's not scepticism that you're facing, it's people that for a fact know better.

Once again the only conclusion is that there's zero point giving a counter argument, the decision is already made. But you know what, if someone wants to follow the pray to baby jesus before your 3 meals a day (which incidentally each consist of a wholesome 5 calories) diet, who am I to say they can't? I'll happily tell them that their diet is completely bogus, but that's my job done there. No loss to me, it's just a shame to see people get taken advantage of in this way.
It's a bit like saying lipsuction or stomach staples are fine for losing weight! :D

But hey, what do we know? It's only the knowledge of people who have many, many years of experience and education within the health area.

But nope, people would rather believe a company that is selling them a product.

Bet the marketing team are well paid :cool:
There's also no lack of knowledge generally when it comes to HCG, it's taken by steroid users via SubQ or IM injection at far higher doses. The info is not hard to find, have a quick search and you will soon see that one of its uses is not cutting weight.


I'll not link the site for obvious reasons, but stick 'HCG for cutting weight' into Google and you will find many people that actually have a clue what they're talking about, far from a lack of knowledge on the subject I would say.

No, HCG is pretty useless for cutting. It may increase testosterone but not to any extent which would be useful/noticeable for cutting.

The HCG diet, is a scam. It consists of you eating 500 calories a day and taking HCG. The HCG is irrelevant to losing weight if you are only eating 500 calories a day. Of course 500 calories a day will lose you weight (consisting of muscle and fat) but you cant keep that level of calories up for the rest of your life and as soon as you go back to your usual levels you will pile the fat back on quicker than ever as your body attempts to super compensate for you starving it.

There is only one type of HCG. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It can be created in different ways (via extraction from urine of pregnant women) or synthesised in a lab. They are identical whichever method is used to create it. You may see some HCG for sale which taken orally or nasally. These are a waste of time and useless as the delicate HCG glycoprotein is destroyed by these methods of ingestion before it gets near your bloodstream. The only way to take HCG is by injection.
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There's also no lack of knowledge generally when it comes to HCG, it's taken by steroid users via SubQ or IM injection at far higher doses. The info is not hard to find, have a quick search and you will soon see that one of its uses is not cutting weight.

But but but, HCGDIETS-R-US said so?

Also, it's working! Who would have thought that starvation would work?

It's ingenious!
So you have lost over 10kg, of fat? of muscle and sinew? What?

You will just put it back on, you have not addressed anything that made you be the weight in the first place, you have not do any form of exercise, so you body is not stronger or fitter, all you have done is starved the body, this is unhealthy and competently stupid to do, you should only be doing that if you need life saving surgery.


People ridiculed this because it is stupid and does not address issues and no way should it be encouraged for people overweight.
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So the 'losing phase' is over, lost almost 14 kg in 40 days....
current weight is 75.7 kg, Started 89.3 kg.
I feel great, I really do. started Going to the gym 3 times a week now.
no food with sugar and/or high amount of carbs is allowed for the next 3 weeks (mainly eating anything i want with protein, and vegetables)

pics ! sorry for the very low iphone quality :P



no doubt i am not even near my goal, still need to lose somewhere between 6-10 kg, which i plan on doing with proper diet+sports ... hoping to see better results in the future :)
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