
Chronos-X said:
I hate to think that I'm Dog-Racist, but a Labrador wouldn't have done this.

My mum looks after children and the dog sits around while toddlers try to pull its ears off and stand on its tail - she does nothing. Stranger comes round, she woofs - certain breeds can tell the difference and others are just out and out ****s.

/me goes off to find some bangers

Bs a labrador is as capable of biting someone as the next dog ;)
^TANK^ said:
Lets just agree to disagree :) .

It's pretty much fact I imagine. I imagine if you grouped 1000 pitbulls and 1000 Dalmations and compared the amount of incidients, the pitbulls will prevail.
sniffy said:
It's pretty much fact I imagine.
Absolutely, but if someone is already closed on it not being fact and not willing to discuss or entertain the possibility that their opinion is wrong there's no point debating it :) He wants to agree to disagree, so there's no point attempting to disabuse him of the notion that his belief is as far inaccurate as its possible to get :p
Police dogs are family dogs, because they have to live with the handler they are brought up by the handler. Dont know if there is any cases of them attacking children.

I for won wont trust any dog around a small child, they are the right height for a dog to attack and they show no fear to a dog and dont stand a chance if they attack.
Who would have thunk....2 rottweilers that have the job of guarding a pub, would be violent...You can bet they didnt have professional training..they were probably kicked around to make them extra aggressive to deter people..

I do believe certain breeds will turn on someone sooner if given the right kind of provocation...Years of bad training, neglect, abuse etc..but all dogs will do it given the proper abuse.
This is an absolute trajedy!

But I have to wonder what on earth the owners were thinking about leaving their child with the dogs!

I've a Rotty, he's lying beside me now and, so far, his temperament has been A1 and he's displayed no aggression towards either people or dogs!

But he's as strong as a bull and i wouldn't leave him alone with a child under any circumstances.
It's true that you should never trust a dog no matter what size or breed. I've had 4 Dobermanns over the last 20 years and 2 kids. Especially when the kids were small we never left them alone with my dogs even though the dogs were nice n gentle around them.

It only takes one quick bite of an irritated powerful dog to cause great damage or even death...
barnettgs said:
German Shepherd? Interesting doesn't sound vicious to me! :p

just a FYI, German Shepherds RULE, pitty that often their hips give out when they get older :(

also border collies, NUTS dogs, like a spanial with (too much) brains, the ONLY reason I'd not trust my dog with my 9 month old nephue is that she pokes people when she wants to play (with her paw), thats ok with adults as its only your leg / whatever, but with a baby it could get his eye.
once he's older I'd trust her to be ok with him, I've seen her with other kids (family freinds bringing them over etc) and shes been realy good, even when being pulled around by her tail etc!
sniffy said:
LMAO, quality :D

My dog is a cross between a German Shepherd and a sheep dog (excuse my ignorance, I don't know the true name of the breed) and she wouldn't harm a fly! Well maybe a wasp, she loves chasing wasps.

My boyfriend has a big scar down his cheek where his uncles sheep dog bit him as a child. It came from a good breeding stock and was treated in exactly the same way as all the other farm dogs they had.
^TANK^ said:
Bs a labrador is as capable of biting someone as the next dog ;)

Labradors welcome strangers like long lost relatives.

Alsation's and rotty's are instinctively aggressive. They are herding/work dogs. If you train them well and keep them active they are the best dogs by far. If they are left unnnattended or unkept (in that you dont walk them much and give them lots of activities to occupy their minds) they will turn aggressive/uncontrollable/disobedient.

Too many people own dog's with no clue then something horrid like this happens. I think people should be made to have a licence to own a dog.
A labrador cracked my forearm once...When I was about six years old.

He was running down the beach like a dog posessed, carrying a big stick in his mouth. The stick hit my arm and it just kinda went *snap*.

ElRazur said:
I await what those who keep this breed of dog would say....

My next door neighbour has one and it's one of the nicest tempremented dogs I've ever encountered (and I am a huge dog lover).

The problem is, attacks by animals happen all the time, however you only really hear of them when it's a rottweiler or a doberman.
NokkonWud said:
The problem is, attacks by animals happen all the time, however you only really hear of them when it's a rottweiler or a doberman.

Probably because they are the most likely to do some real damage.

"Yorkshire Terrier attacks child"

-"I gave it a swift kick in the pods" claims 5 year old

It's not really newsworthy.
I see a lot of people have pets that they trust. All dogs are capable of attacking in the right/wrong situation. It doesn't matter that your pet is well trained or pestered by kids all day and is soft as anything, my dog is one of those dogs who gets followed by my kids and tormented without batting an eyelid, he does in fact seem to like the attention, he's also pretty small. There is still no way I would leave him alone with a baby. A well trained obedient dog that you trust (whatever breed) is almost certainly never going to attack your children but don't let that stop you keeping an eye on them, they only need to do it once.
Glad the dogs were put down, people who put animals lives before humans also need to be put down...just incase any decide to visit this thread ;) :D

As long as a dog has sharp pointy teeth its capable of biting a human.
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Absolutely tragic that. Poor parents. I dont think people need to call them stupid though, they hardly would have wanted it to happen. Poor people.
penski said:
A labrador cracked my forearm once...When I was about six years old.

He was running down the beach like a dog posessed, carrying a big stick in his mouth. The stick hit my arm and it just kinda went *snap*.

you ok now tho scoobie?
wanna scoobie snack? I'll get celma to rub it better for you!
robmiller said:
That any dog with proper training is perfectly fine, probably.

How many times do you hear of police dogs attacking children at random, for example?

i still have scars in my side where a police dog randomly bit me whilst I was playing outside my house. The dog was being walked (off the lead) by the policeman's daughter.
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