Shops not passing on VAT cut

No what I'm saying it chocolate is as much as a valid energy source as any other food, it doesn't contain tobacco or alcohol so your effectivley taxing the taste which is stupid and uneconomical considering it's energy to price ratio.


Simply have no tax on clothes under x amount, problem solved.

Even kinky little things?
I bought an item of clothing today marked up at £40. At the till it cost me £39.14. Happy days.

Is it really? I mean I know it's cheaper, but seriously.. are you that skint that 86p will make a difference?
[TW]Fox;13001216 said:
Good. The whole thing is ridiculous and stores are stuck in a difficult situation.

They have two choices:

a) Reprice EVERYTHING. This means moving away from established price points, bringing in completely random new ones. Going through huge amounts more change at tillpoints, increasing the time it takes each customer to be served. Spending hundreds of thousands reprinting price stickers, POS, adverts all over the country.

For what? So a £29.99 item can become £29.27? Whats the point, really? Are you actually going to be pleased to pop into a shop, hand over 30 quid for a 29.99 item and instead wait whilst the cashier counts out 73p of change for you? Great. I'd rather just have the penny. We are all going to end up carrying huge amounts more loose change.

So, at a time when the economy isn't doing great companies already experiencing a downturn in sales must commit much money to this utterly ridiculous idea.

Or they can do b)

b) Keep prices the same. Not incur huge pricing costs and retain sensible pricing strategies. Get absolutely slated by the Daily Mail and driven out of business as a result.

Fanastic. And just 3 weeks before Christmas as well.

Or they could just automatically take it off at the till like they do during "sales" at a cost of precisely 0 pounds and 0 pence :D

Edit: Also,if i was buying a T.V for £500 or £600 yes i would quite like the "loose change" back to
My parents own a small-ish convenience/grocery/whatever store (think along the lines of those named after those shiny things in the sky...) so they are having to change every item on the computer to include the reduced VAT code and also to print out all new shelf-edge labels for them.

Then a member of staff has to spend hours changing said labels over, then go back and find the ones which were missed - as we stock thousands of items so inevitably there will be a few missing labels etc - So it's costing us resources in the form of labels, costing the environment (We don't care specifically about the environment, but some people may) due to extra paper being used and thrown away, and time which could be spent doing the daily tasks in the shop now has to be spent putting labels on the damn shelves FFS! All for 1p off this and 2p off that, it's completely useless! (For our business at least)


They'll have to deal with people whinging that the price of cigarettes and alcohol has actually gone UP due to the increase in duty tax!

I remember last time the cigarettes went up in price (few months back) I had the unfortunate job of changing the prices myself as my parents were with my grandad due to my grandma passing away the night before, the amount of people making remarks of "ohh, you've put them prices up b***** quick haven't you?" was ridiculous - YES! We have, as we're losing out on money if we don't!

I'm glad I'm not helping them today, I can't imagine how many people will moan that their mars bar isn't 1 or 2p cheaper on the shelves - but it will be when they come to pay for it, we haven't had chance to put the labels out yet fool! :rolleyes: GAHHH!!!

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