Should I choose Linux

Ms office works perfectly under wine, Ms under wine I can understand... but you need to research proper linux alternative programs or you may as well stick with windows.

Outcast's shout for Devede is a good one.
Thanks for the help guys but after almost 2 hours of endless trying to get the LIVE CD to work have decided against changing. On last attempt it did seem to appear to load the task bar and then straight onto the black screen again, after that it just kept on appearing with the following meesages with 3 different CD burns.

Happens sometimes - something in your hardware Linux doesn't like. I have Ubuntu sucessfully installed on two machines, but on a third one, none of the LiveCDs from Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE, Mint work at all, you never get as far as the desktop. There is no easy way of troubleshooting this, the solution I found after hours and hours of work was to just give up.
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