Should I get a iPhone

18 Oct 2002
Hi Folks I have read many threads and still cant decide.

Should I get a iPhone or not? Is it really worth it? Is it any good and better than a Nokia 95? I not too fuss about 5 megi Cam at all but other feature is good.

I am thinking of getting iPhone tarriff on the £45 a month with Bolt on 200 Text so i can get 700 text to play with as I do text a fair bit.

Any suggestions?
Nothing has been confirmed by Apple, so no one knows when/if anything else is coming out.

The tariffs are a rip off tbh, just buy one and unlock it and use a o2 PAYG sim or simplicity contract.
the tariffs are ridiculous, and imo the iPhone is a gadget that really doesn't live up to the hype/advertising. There are better phones out there, for free, on better priced tariffs...
Well, I can only speak for myself, but even if I had the money to afford an iPhone I'd be more likely to go for the N95 8gb, or the N82, or perhaps even the Viewty or the K850i.

In fact, if I had the money, I'd get an iPod touch and a separate mobile, it would still be far cheaper.
That'd make sense but then you'd have two devices to potentially carry around. Despite its faults, the iPhone is a great all-in-one to always have with you.
I do agree that the iPhone doesnt live up to its hype. I've had one so I know about all its "amazing functions" and its "revolutionary technology", still prefer my Blackberry 8100 with 4gb micro SD card :)
as long as you can live without the mms, video recording and other features 'normal' phones should have...sure why not? tbh as a phone, the viewty runs rings around the iphone.
Nope, unless you install a 3rd party app to do it.

But it's been confirmed by AT & T that the 1.1.3 firmware will enable MMS when it's released on Jan 5th so that's not too much of a problem.
Nope, unless you install a 3rd party app to do it.

But it's been confirmed by AT & T that the 1.1.3 firmware will enable MMS when it's released on Jan 5th so that's not too much of a problem.
is that both sending and receiving? that would be great if it was.
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