Should I give my ex wife anything from my PPI refund?

In light that it's a 50% amount of the total that could have been claimed sepperatly if she had too, I'd be keeping all of it. It's a bit snide that both individuals have to claim sepperatly, but that's another story....

Without that maybe I'd have had a few moral issues.

Guilt absolved.
Morally it prob fair to split as it is both your refund.

But in reality, what do you owe her. ?
Keep it dude. She is not your concern any more.
Just put “some” in a savings account for the kids and make sure you treat them etc.
To everyone saying keep it or split it, we still don't know if the amount he received was 50% as its unclear if the loan was in both names (the bank account being joint makes no difference).
OP needs to contact Lloyyds to find out if the loan was in only his name or both names.
Only you know what the financial situation was like at the time you split up and are in a position to make that call.

I'll use my own situation as an example -

When I separated from my ex-wife I was left with a great deal of unsecured debt in my name, for things we had purchased for the house. New kitchen, new bathroom, unsecured in my name, but as we had children she kept the house. She contributed nothing towards this debt, and I paid it all off on my own.
If there had been a theoretical joint loan which we both paid off equally for which I received a PPI settlement I would not have passed this on to the ex-wife, as I would have seen this as her contribution towards the joint debt that I had personally settled, and which she continues to see the benefits from.

That would be my thought process.
Tbh they don’t need it. One has £2.5k in the bank, the other at least that.
That's great your kids have managed to be financially responsible, doesn't mean it wouldn't be a big help to give them something towards a house deposit though.

You said earlier in the thread you could 'really use the money' which made me think you had house repairs or something like that, and the money would take a load of stress of you. So maybe you could justify keeping it. But if you're going to blat it on a trip to go and watch some F1, then that's not quite the same.
That's great your kids have managed to be financially responsible, doesn't mean it wouldn't be a big help to give them something towards a house deposit though.

You said earlier in the thread you could 'really use the money' which made me think you had house repairs or something like that, and the money would take a load of stress of you. So maybe you could justify keeping it. But if you're going to blat it on a trip to go and watch some F1, then that's not quite the same.
Oh I’d pay off a credit card too!
If it’s enough to pay off the loan, pay off the loan. A friend has had no end of trouble with a joint loan. His ex partner defaulted on her side of the payments on numerous occasions and the company automatically come to my friend each time to ‘settle’ the debt.

You might be on good terms with your ex but I wouldn’t want historic finances hanging over my head for longer than is absolutely necessary. Anything could change your relationship with your ex.

By all means act like the martyr and spin the situation into you sorting out the debt once and for all, you are very welcome ex wife!!!!! Thank you muchly
Simply put - What ever the figure you get - pay it immediately towards the debt you have.

Paying off a loan at £50 a month for 17 years is utterly ridiculous. Clear the debt with the money - don't spend it on a "treat" or anything - Clear the debts for christ sake.

Equal benefit for both of you.
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