This was my set up a couple of months ago, looks a bit more polished now I'll take an updated photo at some point.
I can't believe I have never posted in this thread! Here is my setup, I just copied it from my post on another forum (slightly old picture now, just over a month or so):
You might cables under the desk! Apart from power
How am I going to easily plug things in without moving the iMac though?
Apologies for the quality, iTouch camera...:S
This was my set up a couple of months ago, looks a bit more polished now I'll take an updated photo at some point.
It's an Ikea Vika Amon with Vika Moliden legs: is your desk from? I've been looking for something like that for a while!
Thanks! It's not a receiver, it's two USB extension cables held together with zip ties, ran along the underside of the desk with adhesive cable anchors, then held together at the end with two zip ties A good solution that is easily accessible - I'm not moving about a 14kg computer that has been put exactly in the middle of the desk with a ruler!Whats the receiver thing attached to the underside of your desk?
Nice clean setup btw!
It's an Ikea Vika Amon with Vika Moliden legs:
Thanks! It's not a receiver, it's two USB extension cables held together with zip ties, ran along the underside of the desk with adhesive cable anchors, then held together at the end with two zip ties A good solution that is easily accessible - I'm not moving about a 14kg computer that has been put exactly in the middle of the desk with a ruler!
While I'm here, might as well update the pictures, as I've removed the mousepad:
That desk requires a wireless mouse.
It's an Ikea Vika Amon with Vika Moliden legs:
Thanks! It's not a receiver, it's two USB extension cables held together with zip ties, ran along the underside of the desk with adhesive cable anchors, then held together at the end with two zip ties A good solution that is easily accessible - I'm not moving about a 14kg computer that has been put exactly in the middle of the desk with a ruler!
While I'm here, might as well update the pictures, as I've removed the mousepad:
Not bad at all for just over £300 worth of Apple computer.
I'm getting this:
2010 27" iMac, only modification is increased memory.
Just got me a 15" MacBook Pro, guy in the shop said the 2.2 didn't have a hi-res option which I thought was odd, checked the apple site when I got home and it is an available option.
Do you guys think it's worth me taking it back?
How are you outputting the display to the Dell monitor without any cables from the MacBook Pro?