*** Show Off Your Apple Hardware ***

Its a sense board. im starting my degree in a few weeks and this piece of hardware is used in my first module TU100: My digital Life. Its a programmable piece of hard using Sense software (pretty much the same as M.I.T's Scratch) which in turn can be made as a sound meter, weather station, motion detector and many other thing. Really looking forward in trying to come up with something a bit more bespoke though.
New feature added to my desk in the form of a 10Tb HP Microserver N40L cracking little machine


Bottle of Glenmorangie thanks to my GF :D

ah Glenmorangie very nice

oh and the imac :D
If you go 15" then get the 1680x1050 HR-AG screen. Well worth it IMO.

I'll have to phone around and see if any Apple stores have an AG unit on display. The HR-AG unit's price isn't far off the retina model which makes it even more difficult to choose.

I'll more than likely end up with a 13" MBP + 24" monitor as it's the best compromise.
Fair point, assuming the Retina does what you need.

The one near had the 15" MBP HR-AG on display. At the time the only one they carried in stock had every option known to man on it (other than an SSD) and was about £2300! For me the quad core plus a proper graphics chip makes it a far better buy than the 13".
Fair point, assuming the Retina does what you need.

The one near had the 15" MBP HR-AG on display. At the time the only one they carried in stock had every option known to man on it (other than an SSD) and was about £2300! For me the quad core plus a proper graphics chip makes it a far better buy than the 13".

The quad core would be very nice as I run a lot of VMs, but I can't see a need for the dedicated graphics chip. I never, ever play games :)
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