*** Show Off Your Apple Hardware ***

Nothing special, just an antique 4th gen iPod Photo, still working perfectly as my daily player. (even got the little card adapter for downloading photos for it somewhere)

Used to have an old powermac G3 a few years back, but have never replaced it with another. Find apple products nice to use but far too expensive to buy new. Ran my old athlon 64 system as a hackintosh with OS X 10.4.3 but couldn't ever update it due to it being an amd kernel.

Used to have an old powermac G3 a few years back, but have never replaced it with another. Find apple products nice to use but far too expensive to buy new. Ran my old athlon 64 system as a hackintosh with OS X 10.4.3 but couldn't ever update it due to it being an amd kernel.
Borrowed from work? as it has a PAT sticker on it and I dont think anyone is sad enough to PAT there stuff at home. :)
She has arrived my new 2012 13' MBA with 256 ssd and 8 GB Ram

My Mrs sent me the pic! I am not home from work yet LOL! can't wait to start playing

More pics up soon

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Borrowed from work? as it has a PAT sticker on it and I dont think anyone is sad enough to PAT there stuff at home. :)
Got donated by a good friend who ended up with it from a work clear out. (they didn't get on well with mac os) My amplifier has a PAT test sticker on it too for similar reasons. (Dated 1995 though) No idea how old that G3 was at the time i had it. It's been gone for a few years since i took that photo.
You are, or you're :p

Playing with the Macbook Air ? :D ;)

I know the feeling, when I first got my Macbook Air I was delighted for weeks! One of the nicest piece of kit I have ever owned.

Hey i am still excited see :D Spelling gone out the window lol!

Was choosing between Pro and Air, But was a very easy choice as the Air really seems to pack a punch this year!

My new ipad 3 next to my old ipad 1. Also in the pictures is a first gen ipod touch 8gb and my iphone 4's. Finally my 27@ iMac.

I also have an original 512mb ipod shuffle somewhere.What can i say i like apple products.
Almost a month in an no regrets whatsoever in switching to mac, here is the air setup in the office, apple trackpad is on the way as whats the point in buying a mac then never making use of the gestures :)


My only real problem is the other half likes it so much her Vaio is never out of the footstool, trying to convince her to sell it and either invest in an iPad 3 or also a macbook air, but tbh for what she uses it for an iPad would be perfect and cheaper.
New feature added to my desk in the form of a 10Tb HP Microserver N40L cracking little machine


Bottle of Glenmorangie thanks to my GF :D
Just thought id post a little pic of my MBP in operation: I went for the 13" 8gb i7 model with 750gb hdd but replaced the hdd with Samsungs 128gb 830 SSD.

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