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Nice. But i'm confused. Those picture and these temperatures you posted in the first link, don't add up.
Unless you're in Scotland (or colder) and have no heating, you're getting false readings there. Use Core Temp to read the CPU temperatures.

It's one of those AMD enigmas. Sowhat actually is the CPU temperature, AMD?

They don't know either. Rofl.
As you can see i need a bigger case lol, I had to bend a part of the insde of my case just to get the lightning to fit :eek:


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Nice. But i'm confused. Those picture and these temperatures you posted in the first link, don't add up.
Unless you're in Scotland (or colder) and have no heating, you're getting false readings there. Use Core Temp to read the CPU temperatures.

yeah there is no way a H60 could cool one of those chips to 13.1c exactly the same on all cores lol gotta love those fan speeds too 4326rpm??????? :confused: i smell a rat........... or a troll
Got some new toys in mine. Removed HDDs from front and use a 190cfm delta fan connected to a fan controller for maximum airflow. Only held in place with cable ties for now ;)

If you have the money for 3 x 680's then you should get about 600 quid out for a nice watercooling loop. :)

Using a H100 in that case is criminal also.
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The Delta is ridiculously loud at max but I have it on a fan controller than can be adjusted so it is silent... obviously not a permanent solution but does the job for now...

I also wear Senn 350s and they cancel the noise out
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