Take a look at 550 paracord. You can get 50ft for £3.50 and it comes in a variety of colours. You can get the cheaper polyester (PET) stuff for less but I've read that it's not as good as the us made nylon. (It's 8p per foot or 100ft for £5.95)Anyone know where to get relatively good quality braid at a reasonable price? Or would it just be better to buy pre-made ones? I have all the tools, just no braid.
Take a look at 550 paracord. You can get 50ft for £3.50 and it comes in a variety of colours. You can get the cheaper polyester (PET) stuff for less but I've read that it's not as good as the us made nylon. (It's 8p per foot or 100ft for £5.95)
On large plugs it isn't needed any as you can melt the nylon and roll it in your fingers quickly. (there was a good guide on youtube) You would need heatshrink for doing things like fan plugs though. I've been looking at 6mm 3:1 and 4:1 shrinks which should be ideal. (I was looking at RS and farnell, but delivery/handling costs are massive.)That stuff seems it'd do the job, any idea for heatshrink?
Added 680 to the loop, still got lot's of air bubbles:
Just wondering, what coolant are you using in that? I like the look of it, might use it for my next build.
Edit: Or is that just coloured tubing?