****Show Us The inside of your Case!****

MOOGLEYS, I swear I saw that you had 2 7950's (may have been 7970's) in crossfire, then had one 7950, then went to a 680, then to a Titan and then 680 and now 670?

I have had a few GPU's in my system. These will be staying for a while or until I get bored and change them to something else.. :)


That is a fantastic looking PC, big fan of the colours!
I was given one of the new revision H80i coolers and tbh after hating them more than I could imagine this one actually works quite well. It has PWM fans and the latest firmware installed. CPU temps are marginally better than my D14 although on burn test the fans are quite loud.

Excuse the cables I had to pull it all out to install the cooler.


Gave it a few weeks :D

Hope they have solved the problems.

My D14 is on standby just incase.. :)

They seem to have sorted most issues. The fans no longer whine or tick and are 4 pin PWM. The Pump is silent and does not rattle or gurgle.

Will see how it goes.
You are a prominent member. It's a smart PR move to give you a good cooler. ;)
Not to mention a smart move to resolve all their cooler issues before public quit buying from them.
I swapped the H80i PWM fans for a pair of cheapo Arctic F12 PWM fans as the Corsairs were quite noisy on load.

Surprisingly the Arctics give the same temps with very little noise a huge improvement.


I'm new here and I'm watching this thread and I'm running amazed from the photos that I see. That great work of some, I love it!

I'm entering eager to cheer me up to my also has to do something.

Forgive my english. Greetings!

I'm new here and I'm watching this thread and I'm running amazed from the photos that I see. That great work of some, I love it!

I'm entering eager to cheer me up to my also has to do something.

Forgive my english. Greetings!

Don't worry about your English mate :)

Yeah some of the PC's in this thread are quite something :D

You might also want to check out the 'Project logs' section :)
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