****Show Us The inside of your Case!****

i dont think you wanna see behind it :P. lets say i can hardly get the side on the case haha, ill take a pic tomorrow if you really want to see?

Not the most aesthetically pleasing but for a fiver you cant complain :D

An eclipse 62 for a fiver, that's one heck of a bargain. Possibly one of the best mid tower cases ever made.

i know, i bought it beacuse its suposed to be able to hold e-atx motherboards, and even if it doesnt, cutting through and adding to the mothbord tray cant be to harmfull.

it dont look great, but the picture quality isnt great either.
im sure with some tydying up it will be fine.

unfortunately ive been waiting for this case to arive since the 12 of decemeber, it should alive this week, so i have chance to build this beast up.

everything else is here and tested. im getting rather frustaded. dammm parcell force :D
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I liked the eclipse cases so much, i ended up with two of them. Though one is now sitting empty.
back as requested:
That's not as bad as I expected lol considering how neat the front is I thought the back would be way worse than that lol

Great job macarule :) wanna come do mine? lol
I'm in a HAF 932 (not me personally, they're big but not THAT big...)

in fairness my cable management is pretty tidy, just wish I had side-plug sata sockets :( that would make it a lot easier to tidy those damn things lol

Much as SATA cables are a million times better than IDE ribbons, they're still a pain to hide lol
I liked the eclipse cases so much, i ended up with two of them. Though one is now sitting empty.

agreed, the eclipse cases are good.
myne arrived today, and it was the pics making it lok bad.
a couple of case mods and my rig will be finished. can wait xD
i will post some pics when its finished

Lovely system/case! Do you have a photo of the front?
2008 called me and said it wanted its technology back :p

BluRay etc are all covered downstairs and since I have a Gigabit network around the house it's no issue streaming/ripping over the LAN.

(I do have a slimline Samsung USB2 DVDRW yes, it sits on my desk now :p)
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Don't you just hate after it's nearly built there's one little screw that causes you to strip the blasted thing right to the bare again. They always seem to put a screw right below the very tip of the motherboard to stop you taking the second hard drive cage and PSU divider out.

Finally gotten the cables as tight as possible around the back and tucked out the way.





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