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Small case - all pretty simple. Not many coolers or rads would fit in there comfortably - Had to do some modding to get the H50 rad on the outside of the case:


Thermaltake V3 - small mid-tower case.
How exactly did you mod it? I've considered mounting the H70 radiator on the outside of my case but can't figure how to feed the pipes back in the case without taking it all apart.
How exactly did you mod it? I've considered mounting the H70 radiator on the outside of my case but can't figure how to feed the pipes back in the case without taking it all apart.

I didn't want to cut the pipes on the H50 system in order to get them through to the outside of the case.... and there were no gaps big enough to fit either the rad or the pump into the case and keep the other on the outside....

So it was a case of get the tin-snips and hacksaw and drill out and undo some rivots and cut some parts of the back of the case. I bit of a potch but worked.
Some more pics with my cathodes installed, i have 2 30cm white cathods in the roof above the rad and 2 red at the bottom underneather the black tinted acrylic.

Cant wait to get my hands on the window for the colossus and it will be complete
Some more pics with my cathodes installed, i have 2 30cm white cathods in the roof above the rad and 2 red at the bottom underneather the black tinted acrylic.


Cant wait to get my hands on the window for the colossus and it will be complete

What?, no GPU block? nice build there mate, is that a cm690 case?
Ok, so this is my FIRST ever water cooled loop. All specs are in my signature.


Will get some better pics up soon once i've tidied up the last few bits.
Just added a new psu gfx cards and swapped out my ud5 and noctua se2 cooler and haf x case for these think you can guess what everything is cpu is i7 920 d0 which is 2 years old, will be taken out the dvd drive and using an external drive also adding some lighting soon and changing the ram, photos are taken on the phone so not great.








New case- Fractal Design R3 Arctic White

Being a long time lurker, I though I should contribute to this thread with my rig.

Please excuse crappy pics, and a few messy wires. If you have any tips for me to improve my cable management with a non-modular power supply, please let me know. :)





Hope you like :)
Extremely nice set ups guys.. wish i could be better at the neat and tidy stuff =[.. me = stuff it all in a corner :D
Some fantastic looking set-ups in here :D

Loving the white cases especially. I have a Fractal Design Define R3 myself, in white, of course :D

I'll try and get a pic today - it's not as good as some in here, but it's colour-coded black and blue, so still looks pretty swish :D
Is it just the design of the CPU block, or is there an air bubble in it? If it is a bubble, you'll probably want to get rid of it ;)

Its an EK supreme HF block never used one before so I got nothing to compere with, but theres no large bubble in it but I still have few small bubbles running round the loop.
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