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The stickers are oriented different way rounds on each side :p I have the 750, and that's how it is on mine anyway. That way, whether you want the fan on the top or on the bottom, the sticker is the right way round :D
@ VR can you not route the cable under the add on cards? There is normally a gap between the back plate and the card itself.
You can , that's how I did it, it roots under both the Xonar and GTX460 nicely :)

How come the HX850 fan is on the top side btw too? Mine on the HX750 is on the bottom?!
Yeah i'm sure i could tbh, not really tried, i take it that wouldn't cause any issues then?

Regarding the PSU orientation, I cant say i've thought much about it tbh! I cant see it making a great deal of difference... and i cba to change it! :D

BTW, love the pic. :cool:
It shouldn't cause any problems, mine never did although since the new build I've looped the cable over the HSF as it's just a bit more convenient and out of the way :p

Anyway, cable tidied over the dining room table!


Much better :)
I really would have not upgraded until Xmas earliest had the OCZ PSU not died and taken the CPU/Mobo with it so chances are whatever is out at Xmas and if you upgrade then I will be the one being jelly as I will be on this setup for at least 18 months :p

Any idea what made it pack in? or was it just one of those unlucky things...

Happy now? :p

Aye, at least you'll see it everytime you're in at the case anyway. Rather than ruin the exterior of beautiful Lian Li paint finish with stickers. ;)

As for the graphics card, what is it? it looks very beastly for something so small. Looks a smart little thing.

It shouldn't cause any problems, mine never did although since the new build I've looped the cable over the HSF as it's just a bit more convenient and out of the way :p

The braided extensions?

Nope the cable is just long enough to fit!

The gfx card is a Asus Top edition GTX460 btw, the cooler is pretty big, so much so that both PCI-e slots below it are pretty unusable hence the fitting of my soundcard in the slot above it!

Also it's one heavy mother...you can see how much it's sagging downwards vs the soundcard in the last pic :p
Regarding the PSU orientation, I cant say i've thought much about it tbh! I cant see it making a great deal of difference... and i cba to change it! :D

BTW, love the pic. :cool:
Regarding psu placement, i find with the fan mounted downwards, it makes the atx 24 pin cable a bit easier to tuck behind the mobo tray.
Hope there's enough room for mine in here! This was it about am month ago, it's all nice and clean now and it's getting a new case!



Sorry about the poor camera quality, took them using my HTC, and I don't have a camera :|
OK, so I got my Corsair 650D earlier this week.

Had a first lash up at it --


OK so it needed a few bits and bobs but it worked which i was pleased with... so after a few odds and ends here is the next lash up --





It still needs loads of work tidying cables, I think i will ditch the ***** USB header plus I should have a pair of white cold cathodes coming soon to illuminate it. The back of the mobo tray is the bain of my life though, as with most things in life, the more space you have the more stuff you try to cram in it.

Very happy so far though :)
Just finished moving my stuff from an Antec 300 into my 650D, few glory pics following! Please note that i felt very proud after getting that side panel on with the sheer amount of cables behind there :D





(the antec reaped its final revenge by scratching the 650D by the window side latch >:( )




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