****Show Us The inside of your Case!****

here is mine:








personally sgt i would get rid of that akasa fan controller and get the one i have (if you remember it).

it would finish of the front of your case.

just my thought's dude :)
personally sgt i would get rid of that akasa fan controller and get the one i have (if you remember it).

it would finish of the front of your case.

just my thought's dude :)

I have been thinking about it but I will soon, I've just got the 580 and now getting new psu + another 580, when I have spare £££ I will get it, as I really liked it :)
cool.lovely thought out build dude.

you thinking of getting another case as well ? lol

Nah not yet lol, I don't think they come any bigger then 800d...
Once I've got the sli 580 I was thinking about 3 x monitor set up but not until the end of year, I think the wife will kill me for how much money I've spent so far and keep on spending lol..
With how my job is going and how many changes what's happening these has been a lot of overtime..
But it also means I've had no time to play on the pc..

but once you get to play on it i bet it's nice :)

im actually thinking of getting a 650d very soon as i do miss the look of corsair case's.

the haf-x is good but the look's are getting to me now :(
i do and dont regret selling the case but it was designed for watercooling,and after ive had 3 watercooling loop's in the past and to be honest i couldnt be bothered to do another one :)

for what i use my pc for a antec 620 watercooler is good enough for me.
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