****Show Us The inside of your Case!****

I gotta say some people are awesome at cable management, i've got an old alienware case, and I cannot see anything in the case very well because of the cables lol, I gotta get a new case.
Not sure if its still possible but Ive seen a pci adapter that allows the card to be fitted at 90 degrees, looks like you have space for that

Interesting idea, I will have to look into them more tomorrow. Only thing is how will I plug the COAX cable in, feed it in the back of the case?
A fair few changes since last time, going for a dark theme with a mix of blue and white LED's and a tad of Carbon Fibre Vinyl.



Not really actually! The top card runs at 65-70c max! Still the Fan is very quiet and runs fairly cool with a 120mm fan at the front of the case to push the hot air out through the back of the case.
Heres mine

6970 crossfire
8 gig 1600 vengance
1000w ocz gold power supply
p67 board
h70 cooling
Antec DF85 case
Blue ray etc
2 x 1tb hard drives

most antec cases are, as there is hardly any space behind the motherboard tray, unlike something like my case, which has so much space that I have my pump between my drive bays and the right side panel
oh right, it seems to have enough space for all the cables etc, but i did impulse buy this case. Since then my setup has changed and i would like to do a big watercooling project, but its to much greif and il be damed if im buying another case so soon even though i keep looking at silverstone stuff dribble lol
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