*** Show us your bikes! ***

What a jolly nice person you are :rolleyes:
Surely you ask questions BECAUSE you don't understand?

lolol. Ask questions fine, but don't question. You weren't asking why someone would want a big engine you were outright dismissing it and being unjolly.
That thread about why don't we have to wear all leather whilst riding has injected an unneeded nastiness into our sub forum.
lolol. Ask questions fine, but don't question. You weren't asking why someone would want a big engine you were outright dismissing it and being unjolly.

Put the pitch fork and torch down please. I was just questioning why bike like that exist where you can get the same from a smaller engine. You get bags of torque from a 1200 or 1400 engine and can get a lot of hp as well if required. It would still be a big grungy engine with a lot of noise an fit the cruiser character.
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its kinda like American cars,huge 5 litre engines yet little hp

I don't think a cruiser chassis would handle much hp/speed anyway,its mainly a plodder for long journeys

think the Harley v-rod has the most hp
Put the pitch fork and torch down please. I was just questioning why bike like that exist where you can get the same from a smaller engine. You get bags of torque from a 1200 or 1400 engine and can get a lot of hp as well if required. It would still be a big grungy engine with a lot of noise an fit the cruiser character.

There's only so fast you can move two huge pistons.
To get high bhp, you'd need the torque further up the range and a higher rev ceiling, that's two things that cruisers don't want.

The engine's happy plodding around in top gear at barely over idle speed.
As above thats just not the characteristics they are going for, sure they could make it produce more HP, but thats not what people want from big cruisers.

I was just thinking that.

Yeah its been really unfriendly around here all week, we used to be so friendly and helpful in this subforum :(
Saw this someone posted on the GD animated image thread.

Hey folks been reading the forums for the past couple of months! lots of interesting, fun and funny stuff posted as well as some educational bits! ;)

So back in May I decided that i wanted a bike! So I sort some advice from others who posted on the forums asking questions!
I booked my CBT and got through that pretty confident for never having rode a motorcycle!
I then told my instructor I was looking to do my 'D.A.S' explained i needed to do my theory and then arrange an free assessment to see how many days i would need to get through it! and a few months past with waiting times and I got through with 1 minor in my mod 1 and 2 in my mod 2! chuffed! best part of 600£ all in ive spent!

Now the exciting part ;)! i finally found a bike and have brought myself Honda CBR 600rr5 http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/OTYwWDEyODA=/z/KJsAAOSwDk5TvJXm/$_57.JPG

Pick her up on the 28th of this month! pretty nervous for riding a sports bike as my 1st motorcycle but i know its all in the throttle and my mental attitude!

Regards for your helpful information & entertaining reads!
Grats, bet you can't wait, that's quite a bike you have there so make sure you take it easy.

I've also never seen a blue 600rr before :p
Grats, bet you can't wait, that's quite a bike you have there so make sure you take it easy.

I've also never seen a blue 600rr before :p

Hehe i cant wait !! got a nice 300 mile trip to ride back home too after visiting my dad for a week! Atleast give me some time to get used to it!
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